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Chiffchaff or willow warbler? - New Forest 08/23 (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
United Kingdom
Not sure about this one, legs seem too dark for willow but the coloration makes me think otherwise.

Thanks in advance



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the pale feet are a give away. Chiffchaff normally have dark feet, Willow Warbler pale irrespective of the colour of the legs.
Is it really as simple as that? If it was, we would all be making certain willowchiff IDs just on the basis of toe colour. You may well be right, but I would be interested if others can corroborate. I thought the only rule that worked was 'ignore the toes'.
Is it really as simple as that? If it was, we would all be making certain willowchiff IDs just on the basis of toe colour. You may well be right, but I would be interested if others can corroborate. I thought the only rule that worked was 'ignore the toes'.
it works in most cases but chiffchaffs with yellow toes exist as exist WW with concolorous dark toes and legs.
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