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Cetaceans - Aberdeen and beyond (2 Viewers)

Talking of Orca, does anyone know why they're so rare in the central and southern North Sea, despite the abundance of Grey Seals as a food resource?
Talking of Orca, does anyone know why they're so rare in the central and southern North Sea, despite the abundance of Grey Seals as a food resource?

Not sure but could some of the Orcas concerned be fish eaters rather than Seal eaters?
I know the Orkney Orcas are seal eaters.
Today (a little after midday) I had what appeared to be a Minke Whale heading north off Girdle Ness. It surfaced a couple of times and was probably only a couple of hundred metres offshore. I was quite surprised, given the time of year, but I'm not sure what else it could have been. Also a couple of Harbour Porpoises around.
A few bits on news

Bottlenose Dolphins just about all the time at the harbour along with 2 regular Otters.

Dead Porp on the beach opposite cadonas on Monday

I will be doing some early morning photo trips starting on the 5.30am on the 7th of May, pm for details.

The people who run the dolphin trips at the harbour are doing a couple of trial trips this year including Aberdeen to Fraserburgh one way, 4hr trips out to the southern trench, and return trips to Aberdeen from fraserburgh.

Also I am looking for volunteers for whale and dolphin surveys to Shetland and Orkney.

again pm me for more info

If anyone noticed my very long winded, boring facebook post yesterday (Orca Stonehaven Now) you may be interested in the vlog I have just uploaded about last nights encounter with the s27 orca pod between Stonehaven and Aberdeen.
Finished editing at 4.30 am so please share, like and subscribe!!!!
Also just shows what can turn up if you spend time at the sea. If interested tickets still available for my Seabird and Cetacean Wildlife photography workshops.


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