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Bushnell spacemaster II (1 Viewer)

Fixed power eyepieces for the old Bausch and Lomb Balscope Sr will fit the Bushnell Spacemaster II. They were available in 15x, 20x, 30x, and 60x. I have bought them all on eBay. Kowa made a 27x in the same screw mount. I have never found one. Bushnell branded eyepieces included a 25x, a 40x and a 22x wide angle which is just awful. I have tried these only on the Balscope Sr scopes which, if you have a good example that has been seen to by a tech who knows what they are doing and has glass in good shape, can be an excellent 60mm scope. It was my first spotting scope. I bought it in 1971 by mail from an ad in Audubon Magazine and I. still have it. The source was called "Danley's". In more recent years, I have purchased other Balscope Srs off eBay for student use on field trips. After a $100 overhaul, they will have years of useful life left even in student hands!
Good evening everyone,

I know this is a very old thread, but I have recently been looking for fixed eyepieces that fit my:
vintage Bushnell Spacemaster 2

After researching numerous sources, besides the old:
vintage (circa 1970's) Bushnell Spacemaster, Spacemaster 2, Trophy, Sentry, Sentry 2
Bausch & Lomb BALscope Sr.
Kowa TS-6
Opticron from the HR 60
Mead Research-Grade (after unscrewing the barrel)
maybe the Meopta (not 100% sure of these)
eyepieces, I've come across a contemporary solution.

Recently, I've purchased the:
Vixen GL series eyepieces
and they screw in just fine. The quality (please note I am NO expert) seems pretty comparable to the original:
#78-1120 - 20x
#78-1860 - 60x
Plus, better than my original:
#78-2209 - 20-45xZoom

They are also reasonably priced!
Vixen Eyepiece GL15
Vixen Eyepiece GL20 (Wide)
Vixen Eyepiece GL25 (Wide)
Vixen Eyepiece GL40 (Wide)
Vixen Eyepiece GL60 (Wide)
Vixen Eyepiece GLH20 (Wide)

Maybe I'm the only one left looking for vintage Bushnell Spacemaster 2 eyepieces, but I thought I'd post here on the off chance others are searching, too.

Everyone's Favorite Farm Animal,
eieio Pig
Good evening everyone,

I know this is a very old thread, but I have recently been looking for fixed eyepieces that fit my:
vintage Bushnell Spacemaster 2

After researching numerous sources, besides the old:
vintage (circa 1970's) Bushnell Spacemaster, Spacemaster 2, Trophy, Sentry, Sentry 2
Bausch & Lomb BALscope Sr.
Kowa TS-6
Opticron from the HR 60
Mead Research-Grade (after unscrewing the barrel)
maybe the Meopta (not 100% sure of these)
eyepieces, I've come across a contemporary solution.

Recently, I've purchased the:
Vixen GL series eyepieces
and they screw in just fine. The quality (please note I am NO expert) seems pretty comparable to the original:
#78-1120 - 20x
#78-1860 - 60x
Plus, better than my original:
#78-2209 - 20-45xZoom

They are also reasonably priced!
Vixen Eyepiece GL15
Vixen Eyepiece GL20 (Wide)
Vixen Eyepiece GL25 (Wide)
Vixen Eyepiece GL40 (Wide)
Vixen Eyepiece GL60 (Wide)
Vixen Eyepiece GLH20 (Wide)

Maybe I'm the only one left looking for vintage Bushnell Spacemaster 2 eyepieces, but I thought I'd post here on the off chance others are searching, too.

Everyone's Favorite Farm Animal,
eieio Pig
I know this is very old... But no, that Meopta eye piece doesn't fit. But I DID just order a Vixen GLH 20d ... I can't wait for it to get here to try it...
Warning! This thread is more than 3 years ago old.
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