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Bulbul: paya mags borneo (1 Viewer)


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Bird was seen near cabin 1 on the way down from Paya Maga I'm sorry. The confusion comes from 2 recent new species Charlotte's Bulbul split from Buff-vented in 2017 (which is supposed to be a lowland species) or the recently described Creamy-eyed Bulbul (basically split from Cream-vented and is supposed to he a highland bird).
With the pale eye and pale, longer bill this looks like Charlotte's/Buff-vented Bulbul to me. The newly described Cream-eyed Bulbul should show a slighter, darker bill and should not have a contrasting cap. See a photo published here:


As well Cream-eyed Bulbul seems to be known from the foothills of the Crocker range. I don't know the exact elevations but I don't get the impression it is a "highland" species so much as a "hills" species, perhaps.

I've not seen either bird in life, as a warning - but am headed to Borneo shortly so have been reading up and studying :)
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Yes, Buff-vented or Charlotte's Bulbul, depending on which taxonomic authority you follow (this was discussed in a recent thread).

It sounds like you've been boning up on those Bornean birds, Josh!
Yes, Buff-vented or Charlotte's Bulbul, depending on which taxonomic authority you follow (this was discussed in a recent thread).

It sounds like you've been boning up on those Bornean birds, Josh!

As suspected Charlotte's it is. Thank you very much everyone.
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