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Buckenham Rookery ! (1 Viewer)


Active member
Does anyone know the best veiw point to see the roosting rooks at Buckenham ? Planning a vist there next weekend.
Is there something special about the rooks at Buckenham? Are they worth a visit? Tell us all the secret please.
It mentions the rookery at Buckenham on the RSPB site.


I was there on Sunday but was a bit to early to see them roost. It's the first time I've been there but I imagine there is only one place they could roost. If you walk down the track from Buckenham station towards the river there is a wooded section on your right hand side about 100 metres away. I think that must be the place as I can't remember seeing anywhere else. While you are there you might see the Bean Geese or a Peregrine as well as thousands of other wildfowl. It's quite a bleak and dramatic place but well worth a visit.

The crow roost (the subject of Mark Cocker's recent book 'Crow Country', so not that big a secret!) is in Buckenham Carr, which is the extensive area of woodland north of the railway line. It's a long time since I've seen it but I'm sure you'll see the birds flying in from anywhere. There are many thousands of birds involved, mostly Rooks and Jackdaws.
The crow roost (the subject of Mark Cocker's recent book 'Crow Country', so not that big a secret!) is in Buckenham Carr, which is the extensive area of woodland north of the railway line. It's a long time since I've seen it but I'm sure you'll see the birds flying in from anywhere. There are many thousands of birds involved, mostly Rooks and Jackdaws.

Oops, I'm wrong again. I didn't go to that side of the railway line as I walked from Strumpshaw Fen. Thanks for the info.

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