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Brown job - Israel (September) (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
I have only this image of the bird photographed in September at Ein Gedi near the Dead Sea in Israel. I wonder if someone can put a name on it? A warbler maybe? Or a wheatear?
ChristianCapture 1.jpg
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It’s an Upcher’s Warbler or close relative. Other photos might help a definitive ID.
No self-respecting wheatear or Desert Lark would be caught dead perching in a tree.
It’s an Upcher’s Warbler or close relative. Other photos might help a definitive ID.
No self-respecting wheatear or Desert Lark would be caught dead perching in a tree.
My tuppence-worth brought to mind an emaciated Garden Warbler or an Eastern Olivaceous Warbler...
Bill a bit big for garden warbler suggest
I don't wholly disagree, but emaciated birds often look as if they have disproportionately large bills, the most extreme example I've seen was a small group of emaciated Cretzschmar's Buntings at Curium on Cyprus; their bills looked huge. They were exhausted by being blown by severe westerlies and just ignored visitors to the Roman ruins and frescoes.
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