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Birding In Staffordshire (2 Viewers)

some excellent photos there Dean

i have noticed that chaffinch numbers are going down they must be heading back already to scando and europe already or just moving on east/north because garden birds have halfed from 30+ to about 11 birds

plus whilst up sewage works there were hundreds of flies and in the garden last night had small group of glies flying round the water unless we have a cold snap we wont have the black redstart again

Hi Rob,

Thanks for your comments on the photo's. I noticed that there were less Chaffinches around at Whitemore yesterday so perhaps they are on the move. Plenty of Fieldfares and Redwing passing through the fields and interestingly heading in an easterly direction and not hanging about.

There is also an increase of nest material gathering going on.

I guess there is always a chance of another cold snap before winter finally passes by. I hope we have a warmer spring this year.

Huge flock of mixed finches in the garden this morning, mainly consisting of Siskins, Redpolls and Goldfinches, but also including, Bullfinch, Chaffinch and Greenfinch. I put some raw suet out last Saturday and the starlings have been hammering it, they were sizeable pieces and they are now almost gone.

Also in the garden were Blue, Great and Willow tits.

Going over to Endon in the morning, then on to Carsington, will probably leave Carsington around 1.30/2ish and call in at swallow moss on the way back.
4 scaup at blithfield today, not much else apart from wigeon and goldeneye.

i will take you up on your offer neil, can't beat a days birding with others.
i'm going to try and get my dad to come swallow moss in a bit, if he doesn't fancy it i'll leave it till tomorrow, i don't fancy getting lost on the moors in the dark by myself.

don't fancy getting lost on the moors in the dark by myself.

Iknow what you mean Adam, remember the film "American werewolf in London" LOL
just came past JCB at rocester tonight at 5pm the biggest starling display ive seen for a good while,ive been told that they are roosting behind the club house in the trees,fantastic display
Grand day out in Staffs

The Bittern showed brilliantly this am at Doxey we(Nick & George) then went to look for the Water Pipit from the viewing platform and found FOUR of em:)
2 Scaup at Blith,9 Mandarin at Dunstall Mill and finally 2 Whoopers at Catholm
The Bittern showed brilliantly this am at Doxey we(Nick & George) then went to look for the Water Pipit from the viewing platform and found FOUR of em:)
2 Scaup at Blith,9 Mandarin at Dunstall Mill and finally 2 Whoopers at Catholm

Pic of the Doxey Bittern


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brill photo of the bittern there good numbers of water pipit to :)

birding hanley center was brilliant
2 ravens over
50 pied wagtail roost
2 blue tit

all in hanley was after waxwing to but oh well still time get them on the berry tree outside hanley bus station already had fieldfare on there last week and redwing

local patch tomoz and going pop up endon sewage again on monday see if can get this crest again and hopefully sometime midweek go up get the hen harriers at swallow along with red grouse
my dad didn't fancy going to swallow moss, i'll get him to go sometime,
i had a sparrowhawk in the garden TWICE from 2 til 4. both times he was unsuccessful, but the 2nd time he dropped in right by the conservatory, squeezed through the trellising (sp?) and pounced towards the sparrows below. he missed but gave chase towards the back of the garden, all the time moving side to side as the sparrow took evasive manoeuvres, really was good to watch. but it makes me think he's responsible for that sparrow i found, but if that's the case it should have recovered from shock really.

just wondering, rockbirder, do you fancy going doxey on friday?
Pic of the Doxey Bittern

Superbly captured Phil considering how dull it was today. It blends in remarkably well in the reed bed.:t:

Took an oppertunity today to look around a new area (Willoughbridge Wells)
Some interesting birds including corn Buntings in the trees in the lane.

The lane at Hollybank is a public road to the brook despite locals putting a sign up say private driveway.
Here's a link.

Fog on the Moss

If any of you are heading for the moors tomorrow it may be a good idea to check cloud levels. I was up at Tittesworth today, drove round the back of the Roaches, over by the Mermaid . The moors are completely clagged up with fog at present and visibility is poor.

The conservation pool at Tittesworth is frozen. 3 Cormorants on platforms on main reservoir. 2 pairs of Mute Swans and plenty of gulls Black Headed about.

Had close views of a Buzzard on a tall post today near Thorncliffe.
great photo phil, where was it showing?
did you look for the peragrine up hanley, it been seen mostly at the top of clough street on the old b.t. building just above the high peak store.
Typical - and I'm off work at the moment. Has it been perched on the ledges that decorate the (still operational) exchange building then, SG? Swore blind I saw one there autumn last year while skiving for a smoke!
Bittern at Doxey

Hello Phil,

Well done on seeing the Bittern at Doxey and getting photos.

I'm jealous been to Doxey 4 times this year now to try and see the Bittern, and not so much as a quick glance at it yet :-C

I'll have to try again though I usually avoid Doxey in school holidays. Hmm...

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