Upland Birder
Birding On The Edge
some excellent photos there Dean
i have noticed that chaffinch numbers are going down they must be heading back already to scando and europe already or just moving on east/north because garden birds have halfed from 30+ to about 11 birds
plus whilst up sewage works there were hundreds of flies and in the garden last night had small group of glies flying round the water unless we have a cold snap we wont have the black redstart again
Hi Rob,
Thanks for your comments on the photo's. I noticed that there were less Chaffinches around at Whitemore yesterday so perhaps they are on the move. Plenty of Fieldfares and Redwing passing through the fields and interestingly heading in an easterly direction and not hanging about.
There is also an increase of nest material gathering going on.
I guess there is always a chance of another cold snap before winter finally passes by. I hope we have a warmer spring this year.