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Birding in Extremadura (1 Viewer)


At the end of this month I have my first ever trip to Extremadura and we have 3 days planned for birding, with our base being Trujillo. My current chosen sites and targets are:

• Monfrague – Spanish Imperial Eagle and Bonelli’s Eagle
• Trujillo Plains – Both Sandgrouse and Calandara Lark (Both Bustards will be nice, but I don’t need as lifers).
• Alburquergue – Spanish Imperial Eagle and Bonelli’s Eagle

Am I focusing on the best areas for my target species?

From here we are heading to the Malaga region and I’ll post a combined trip report to help others, as I always do.


Hi Neil,

Good idea to come birding here!
Monfrague: indeed Spanish Imperial Eaglse are present and performing shows so every 50 munites
at the Portilla del Tietar observation point. Bonelli is to be seen througout the whole area, good
observation points are the parking areas at both sides of the Tagus river.

Sandgrouses and Calandras (and Bustards) are sure in the "Trujillo Plains", but those are so stretched....I
prefer looking for those 5 species in the planes between Belén and Aldeacentenera, with an
beautiful inner road going to Deleitosa, and a nice parking lot where it crosses the Almonte river.

With the Alburquerque area I am not so familiar, only know that this offers good observation possibilities
for the species you want, normally Gosney gives you good directions.
And please come back in autumn and / or winter....

Have fun, henk
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First year recordings of Bee-eaters

Today (april 1st) first sightings this year of Bee-eaters in the Geopark area. Good scheduled: last years: april 4, april 5, april 1 etc.

Cheers, henk


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Hi Neil,

Good idea to come birding here!
Monfrague: indeed Spanish Imperial Eaglse are present and performing shows so every 50 munites
at the Portilla del Tietar observation point. Bonelli is to be seen througout the whole area, good
observation points are the parking areas at both sides of the Tagus river.

Sandgrouses and Calandras (and Bustards) are sure in the "Trujillo Plains", but those are so stretched....I
prefer looking for those 5 species in the planes between Belén and Aldeacentenera, with an
beautiful inner road going to Deleitosa, and a nice parking lot where it crosses the Almonte river.

With the Alburquerque area I am not so familiar, only know that this offers good observation possibilities
for the species you want, normally Gosney gives you good directions.
And please come back in autumn and / or winter....

Have fun, henk

Hi Henk,

Thanks for the info and much appreciated!

Hi Neil,

Good idea to come birding here!
Monfrague: indeed Spanish Imperial Eaglse are present and performing shows so every 50 munites
at the Portilla del Tietar observation point. Bonelli is to be seen througout the whole area, good
observation points are the parking areas at both sides of the Tagus river.

Sandgrouses and Calandras (and Bustards) are sure in the "Trujillo Plains", but those are so stretched....I
prefer looking for those 5 species in the planes between Belén and Aldeacentenera, with an
beautiful inner road going to Deleitosa, and a nice parking lot where it crosses the Almonte river.

With the Alburquerque area I am not so familiar, only know that this offers good observation possibilities
for the species you want, normally Gosney gives you good directions.
And please come back in autumn and / or winter....

Have fun, henk

Thanks again Henk, this morning we had both Great and Little Bustards plus lots of Calandra Larks as per you recommended route. I was able to put a group of Dutch birders on the Great Bustards too. We just need to find the Sandgrouse now; heard but not seen :)
Hi Neil, thanks for the report you put on this forum. I live in Extremadura (always bgreat birding area)
but certainly will visit the Malaga region.
all the best, henk
Lunch time

Henk-Jan Bezemer took this action shots of Black Vulture and disputing Griffon Vultures from our hide in Retamosa.

ciao, henk


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Pile Sharing

In La Serena we found several piles of stones were live together a couple of Ocellated Lizards and a Little Owl family. See photos of Edward Minnaar and Steffen Hoffmann. We estimated the overall lenght of this lizard to be 80 cm.

BTW this time of year La Serena is one of the best birding areas.


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Tension in the Geopark

A Blue Rock Thrush alarms when a Horseshoe whip Snake approaches his nest in Cabañas del Castillo (Geopark Villuercas). Photo: Stefan Timmermans


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An excellent couple of days in Extremadura last week.......10 Rollers, 25+ Bee-Eaters - many raptors at Monfrague including Bonelli's and Imperial Eagle, and Black Stork at the nest, also 3 White-rumped Swifts - 7 species of Heron at Arrocampo including 2 Little Bitterns - widespread Booted and Short-toed Eagles, Red-rumped Swallows and White Storks - Black and Griffon Vultures - several Alpine Swifts, also Blue Rock Thrush, Spoonbill and Gull-billed Tern.


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I am heading to my girlfriends village next week near Badajoz! Her cousin is an amazing wildlife photographer and hopefully I get the chance to go birding with him! If not my padre in law is going to show me some good places! Will post my results! :]

I am heading to my girlfriends village next week near Badajoz! Her cousin is an amazing wildlife photographer and hopefully I get the chance to go birding with him! If not my padre in law is going to show me some good places! Will post my results! :]


Look forward to seeing them Jimmy.
Rufous-tailed Rock Thrush in the Geopark Villuercas

Rufous-tailed Rock Thrush (Monticola saxatilis, Rode rotslijster, Steinrötel) is now a sure breeding specie in the Geopark near the highest point : Pico Villuerca (1601 m). After years of observations of solitairy birds, now we are sure of two pairs that did breed here. Recent picture by Klaus Tamm.

bye, henk


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Beautiful bird and good news!
Rufous-tailed Rock Thrush (Monticola saxatilis, Rode rotslijster, Steinrötel) is now a sure breeding specie in the Geopark near the highest point : Pico Villuerca (1601 m). After years of observations of solitairy birds, now we are sure of two pairs that did breed here. Recent picture by Klaus Tamm.

bye, henk
Summer is over

Two Things:

After the long and very dry summer season we have started our excursions and photo programs again.
For example we were with Dutch clients in Monfragüe N.P. to look
for birds and other very wild and dangerous animals, see photo.;)

Very quiet over there: Griffon Vultures, Black ones, Egyptian one, Firecrests,
Bonelli´s Eagles, etc.

First Cranes flew over the Geopark at Octobre 7, so that´s a week earlier than normal. But always a special moment, reminds us to order firewood for wintertime. And prepare for clients to come.

see you, henk


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Paddy fields and Plains

Impression of visits to the steppe areas of Campo Lugar and the paddy fields of Palazuelo and Pueblo de Alcollarin , October 7, 10 and 14.

Campo Lugar:
Gadwall, Pintail, Teal, Shoveler, Grebe and Little Grebe, Great and Little Bustard, Lapwing, Golden Plover , Black-bellied Sandgrouse, Collared Pratincole, Marsh and Hen Harrrier, Bonelli´s Eagle, Booted Eagle, Red Kite, Calandra Lark, Wheatear and Black-eared Wheatear, Winchat, and the normal birds as Red-legged Partridge, Kestrel, Little Owl, Grey Shrike, Crested Lark, Zitting Cisticola….

Paddy fields:
Shelduck, Cattle Egret, Little and Great Egret, Marsh and Hen Harrrier, Bonelli´s Eagle, Red Kite, Crane, Lapwing, Redshank, Spotted Redshank, Ruff, Greenshank, Black-winged Stilt, Green Sandpiper, Snipe, Ringed Plover, Little ringed Plover, Dunlin, Waxbill, Red Avadavat…..

And finally some rain after a far to dry summer period. So, much more te see in the weeks and months to come.
Planning another trip this Spring and wondered what thoughts you guys had on dates (ie which you believe to be best).
We can do 27th April to 1st May
OR from 23rd May onwards (concerned we would leave it too late at this time).

Planning to fly to Madrid (looks like easyjet from Luton as easy option) unless any other suggestions?

Last did it over ten years ago, so any suggestions for accommodation for 3 chaps would be welcome too?
Hi Daniel, sorry for the delay, we have had some problems with internet after that a thunderstorm struck our little village.
Both periods (end of April, end of May) have their advantages. All birds are whole day through active, although
in the end of May temps can raise and man and other fauna take a siesta period. Some examples:
End of May Rollers, Bee-eaters and Short-toad Eagles have nestlings, so they stick to their breeding areas, but Griffon Vultures and Bonelli´s are travelling around with their young. End of April you still have chance to spot Great spotted Cuckoo, but till the end of May they are scare.

Accommodation can be a problem, many birders are around this time of year. Where we live (Geopark Villuercas) there is cheap capacity in the Hotel on the Market square (from 45 Euro single room), or more expensive in some Casas Rurals (from 60 Euro, 1 person in a double room, they don´t offer single rooms).

We can book accommodation with no extra costs, if you should want so.
Guided excursions to the best birding areas with our company still only are posible in end of May period.

best wishes,
FIO international Bird Fair, Monfragüe

This year this event will take place March 11, 12 and 13,
in Villareal de San Carlos, the heart of the National park.
I will give the link to the program website asap.

In any case worthwile if combined with a visit to Extremaduras finest birding areas, such as
Planes of Trujillo; Planes of Aldeacentenera; dehesas of Monroy;
wetlands as the Almonte river, the Tietar river system, the Sierra Brava reservoir, the Valdecañas reservoir, Arrocampo and the poppy fields Moheda Alta; the Geopark Villuercas; the Gredos mountains; the San Pedro mountains.

Hope to see you,
FIO 2016 bird photo contest

Until now no news about the FIO 2016 programme, but what we do know is that there is a bird photo contest. Summary:

5 categories
1. Birds of Spain
2. Birds of Extremadura
3. Birds of the whole world
4. Special techniques, f.e Infrared, underwater etc.
5. Under 18 years old.

Max 2 photos per category.
Date: before 15.00 hrs on Febr 23.
Size: JPEG of min 4 Mb, max 20% cropping is allowed.
Send , with personal info, title and category to: [email protected]

If you have any question, don´t hesitate to ask us for.
and...good luck!
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