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Birding day trips from West London (1 Viewer)


Well-known member

Can anyone suggest good places to go birding that are easy to get to from West London? Im limited to public transport as well. No more than an hour an a half away ideally.

WwT at Barnes is always worth a day.

Bit further afield are Staines Reservoir and Staines Moor which seem to attract a lot of good birds.

If you can get access to a car, Langstone Harbour, Pullborough Brooks and Pagan are all reachable in an hour and a half, often much less.

Thanks for the advice. I'm already a paid up member at the Barnes WWT site and co-incedentally I was actually down at Pagham harbour last weekend. Had some great views of the SE Owls amongst others. I really like this site, especially along the north wall side and we have friends who live 30 minutes away. The Reservoir and Moor at Staines is the one I'll go for next I think.

By coincidence, I had a Lesser Whitethroat in a well manicured hedge in White City this morning. I'm not trying to make a case for visiting White City, but birds can turn up anywhere. So a decent sized area of scrub / wasteground / parkland, surrounded by city lights, is often worth keeping an eye on, especially in migration periods.

Failing that, where is your nearest coastline?! Dungeness? Selsey? Suffolk?
Wise words Peter. There are lots of parks and wooded areas around Ealing, so I'll keep my eyes and ears open.
How about Bushy Park? A lot of land to go at with a variety of habitat. London Birders' site often has a list of recent sightings if you're interested in species. Easy to get to from Hampton Wick or Teddington stations.
How about Bushy Park? A lot of land to go at with a variety of habitat. London Birders' site often has a list of recent sightings if you're interested in species. Easy to get to from Hampton Wick or Teddington stations.

Tony's blog is a good source of details on recent sightings in Bushy and Regents Park

I also think that Broadwater Lake (Denham on the Marylebone --> Birmingham Snow Hill Line) is also well worth a visit IMHO. Its always fairly quieet yet its good for waterbirds in the winter and also has plenty of warblers in the summer + Terns, Hobbys, Cuckoo etc.
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