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Birder's Diary 4.0 has been released! (1 Viewer)

Can I check - does that upgrade require additional payment? It looks like a patch rather than a new product and if I'm right there seems to be a charge for it.

I'm trying to find a good system for various world, country, patch and trip lists and although Birders Diary looks good, I'm put off by the £100 price tag. If they are charging for a software patch too I might be wary.
Can I check - does that upgrade require additional payment? It looks like a patch rather than a new product and if I'm right there seems to be a charge for it.

I'm trying to find a good system for various world, country, patch and trip lists and although Birders Diary looks good, I'm put off by the £100 price tag. If they are charging for a software patch too I might be wary.

A patch is fixing bugs etc., code not working within the program. Birder's Dairy 4.0 is not a patch but an upgrade (though bug fixes were with 4.0 which is typical in software). I believe I was running 3.7 and had to pay the upgrade price to 4.0. Numerous new functionality. Updates to taxonomy lists are fee based- the website lists the cost. Typically these are every other year. Though I believe you could update the existing lists yourself if you are so inclined.

The things you need to keep in mind is Bird Listing Software is a very restrictive vertical software market. Due to the limited size of the market, prices of the software runs higher than horizontal software markets.

I must say I was disappointed in the 4.0 update overall. It is showing its age and really needs an overall in the GUI interface. But nothing is comparable to it in it's capabilities. Great tech support as well.
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