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Biking Birder 2015 - A cycle ride to every RSPB and WWT reserve. (1 Viewer)


He has just broken the European Green Birding Record with Pine Bunting on Fair Isle (BOU #307, more importantly AERC #305).
Agreed! I can't help but feel that this is a greater achievement than the world and ABA records being pursued at the moment because of the sheer stamina and commitment required.

Clearly I am biased but I couldn't agree more Stuart. Not only the endurance and physical effort of pursuing this all year but also the minimal financial outlay. Gary has been funding this year purely from his pension; indeed when he has offered free food / accommodation he has insisted contributing an equivalent value to charity.

If you haven't already done so please visit his Just Giving page (will re-post the links this evening).
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Brilliant achievement! I guess there might well be quite a few more species to follow too.

Word on the street is that the previous record holder, Ponc Fileu, is looking to go again in 2017 so Gary has even more of an incentive to continue adding species.

Potential additions for the remainder of the year include Pec Sand, Pallid Harrier, Arctic Redpoll, Pallas's Warbler, Iceland Gull, Humes's YB Warbler, Little Auk, Desert Wheatear, Waxwing, Isabelline Shrike, Purple Swamphen and Siberian Accentor (who would have thought the last two would be possibilities at the start of 2016!).
Clearly I am biased but I couldn't agree more Stuart. Not only the endurance and physical effort of pursuing this all year but also the minimal financial outlay.

... and also he's done this for two consecutive years! Amazing stamina & commitment IMO, so more than pleased Gary has finally achieved his goal 😊
No let up for Gary with the addition of Waxwing on Fair Isle (BOU #308, AERC #306), one of the commoner species he missed in 2015.

Gary had only been speaking to me yesterday about the lack of a real stonking headline bird for the year but he now has it with Britain's sixth Siberian Accentor on Fair Isle (BOU #309, AERC #307).
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