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Best current 7x42 roof option? (3 Viewers)

Basically, you should perhaps keep in mind that if you plan to use binoculars beyond the warranty period, you are more likely to choose a model where spare parts are still available in the long term.
"Defective equipment will be either repaired or replaced at the option of servicefacility. In case of replacement, it may be replaced with a Nikon product of comparable value and condition."

Actually, you want the same item back that you sent in and not something of a comparable value.

Would that mean you send in an EDG 7x42 and, if in doubt, get an EDG 10x42 back?

In fact, I have heard of cases where someone sent their EDG for repair and was offered an MHG.

I wouldn't be very enthusiastic...

"Defective equipment will be either repaired or replaced at the option of servicefacility. In case of replacement, it may be replaced with a Nikon product of comparable value and condition."

Actually, you want the same item back that you sent in and not something of a comparable value.

Would that mean you send in an EDG 7x42 and, if in doubt, get an EDG 10x42 back?

In fact, I have heard of cases where someone sent their EDG for repair and was offered an MHG.

I wouldn't be very enthusiastic...


No I also think this is a distinct possibility. I believe I have even heard of people here saying it has happened to them (an EDG in the US replaced with a nice lens if I remember rightly, because it couldn't be serviced or the part wasn't available).
No I also think this is a distinct possibility. I believe I have even heard of people here saying it has happened to them (an EDG in the US replaced with a nice lens if I remember rightly, because it couldn't be serviced or the part wasn't available).
Yes, but it's stupid if you have nothing to do with photography and prefer to look through binoculars.

The whole thing is based on a lack of spare parts, which is not very sustainable.

I think something like this has to be agreed with the seller; if he doesn't agree, the purchase price should be refunded

Yes, but it's stupid if you have nothing to do with photography and prefer to look through binoculars.

The whole thing is based on a lack of spare parts, which is not very sustainable.

I think something like this has to be agreed with the seller; if he doesn't agree, the purchase price should be refunded


I wouldn't like to get caught in that situation with a pair of binoculars > £1000 becoming useless and being offered something else instead. But it took Nikon UK over a week to respond to a simple question. I don't think they would ever engage in a negotiation over their warranty agreement. You either accept the risk or don't buy I suspect.
Lots more good advice coming in!

Because of the colour and slightly messy FOV edges of the FL I think I will cross that off the list despite many here liking it a lot for its brightness and other good qualities.
Not so much in the 7x. It’s better than the 8x at the edges, imo.
Leica and Nikon both have their fans for different reasons. EDG gets called dull or dark quite a lot - not what you want in the UK most of the time! Also concerns about warranty and servicing, but it's much cheaper and I suspect it also has less CA than the Leica and probably a nicer focuser too.
EDG is not dull or dark as all. The Nikons are very sharp and extremely contrasty. I’d ad that the 8x is not one of the brightest 8x42’s in low light, but still good, the 7x is an improvement in that area. CA is excellent in the 7x Leica , I think it’s gets some of this , to much CA thing more from the older models and the 10x shows a little more. I have four Leica’s and the focuser is excellent on all of them.
I have never looked through the Meostar 7x but I have seen others and my 12x50 is one and I like it a lot. There are some apparently for sale/in stock all over the web in European shops, but when you send an email they say "sorry can't supply". Then please update your website....
Same here, I have not tried the Meopta B1, but have heard all good things. My opinions above are mostly from side by side comparisons. You really can’t go wrong with any of them in 7x.
I don't think they would ever engage in a negotiation over their warranty agreement. You either accept the risk or don't buy I suspect.
I don't think you can negotiate too , in which case I would refrain from buying because the actual guarantee on a product is arbitrary and interchangeable.
In the end you get something that you don't need, it's stupid!

I don't think you can negotiate too much, in which case I would refrain from buying because the actual guarantee on a product is arbitrary and interchangeable.
In the end you get something that you don't need, it's stupid!

I thought if you bought these overseas where they’re still being produced, and sold by quite a few retailers, one could always send them back overseas for repairs. Nikon UK told me they are servicing them when I inquired earlier this year when I was trying to find out if the EDG were still being produced. That was after NikonUSA told me they are out of production. I’m not a fan of NikonUSA.
I thought if you bought these overseas where they’re still being produced, and sold by quite a few retailers, one could always send them back overseas for repairs. Nikon UK told me they are servicing them when I inquired earlier this year when I was trying to find out if the EDG were still being produced. That was after NikonUSA told me they are out of production. I’m not a fan of NikonUSA.
Paul that is the description of the Nikon warranty...

"Defective equipment will be either repaired or replaced at the option of servicefacility. In case of replacement, it may be replaced with a Nikon product of comparable value and condition."

If in doubt, Nikon can rely on this and then?

Nikon UK writes that the EDGs have been discontinued and there are still a few stocks available, so what is correct now and how long will the EDGs continue to be manufactured if they are still manufactured?
How long are spare parts available?

I still don't know, wandering in the dark.

So I've had a few Nikon's recently and when I've needed service help it actually has been ok.

Nothing like the no problem, no cost service you get from Swarovski which basically astounds me every time I need something- I always offer to pay, they always say don't worry - even when I just wanted an habicht ocular guard for an old Zeiss porro!

Case study with Nikon - 12x50 se - missing ipd scale. Knew the bridge design was the same as the E2 which I bought (from Japan) this year so I screwed the ipd scale from the E2 on the SE and ordered a new ipd scale for the E2. £30 later and I have a very small part on the way from Tokyo, process started about 3 weeks ago and it's not here yet..... Now if this were a swaro it would no doubt have arrived free within 3 days. But they did take the trouble to order the obscure part for the relatively obscure Binocular from the other side of the word so, not bad if it turns up!

Now as Scott points out above you kinda get what you pay for - I think Nikon's optics are right up there, especially the likes of the monarch scopes, e2's, se's and from what I've read edg's (note to self must buy a cheap edg..) but the price is not that high so I suppose you pays your money and takes your choice - you are paying more for the product to get the warranty though.

If you go for a traditional porro at least it should be quite readily repaired without troubling Nikon themselves in most instances (balsam separation aside!).
Willi, here in Germany the EDGs are just as expensive as the Ultravids, so I wouldn't take part in this guarantee poker.
And yes the EDG are nice glasses, I still have an 8x32, I've been thinking about selling it but you don't get anything for it anymore because the warranty isn't transferable either, and Nikon leads a shadowy existence here anyway, except in the low budget market.

Willi, here in Germany the EDGs are just as expensive as the Ultravids, so I wouldn't take part in this guarantee poker.
And yes the EDG are nice glasses, I still have an 8x32, I've been thinking about selling it but you don't get anything for it anymore because the warranty isn't transferable either, and Nikon leads a shadowy existence here anyway, except in the low budget market.

That's no good, they're a clear £600 quid cheaper here! I suspect they would be similar for you if ordered direct from Japan but I don't know how much the eu takes in import tax on optics - the UK government takes quite a bit, the U.S hardly anything.....
That's no good, they're a clear £600 quid cheaper here! I suspect they would be similar for you if ordered direct from Japan but I don't know how much the eu takes in import tax on optics - the UK government takes quite a bit, the U.S hardly anything.....
For me the question no longer arises, I had the EDG 7x42 for a few years and then replaced it with the UV 7x42.

Basically the question remains, are the 42 still in production or are they in stock, although the number of units is likely to be low.

The thing is, Zeiss, Swarovski, Leica keep spare parts for 30 years, which means that even if the warranty has expired you can have it repaired, with Nikon there are too many questions.

The 7x42, 8x42, and 10x42 EDG are still in production in Japan and featured in Nikon's current product lineup in Japan. The 32mm EDG have been discontinued for a while are limited to any still in retail channels. In fact, the 7x42 EDG went out of stock this summer at Japanese vendors like Kyoie Osaka and the Nikon Japan store, then a new batch was produced and stocked again.

I can't speak to Europe, but Nikon USA stopped selling the EDG 15+ years ago and tells everyone they're no longer made and that the Monarch HG series replaced them. I bought my 7x42 EDG from Kyoie in 2022 knowing that I would have to send them to Nikon Japan if they ever need warranty service. Or I could pay someone in the USA to service them.

Consider that I could buy a 7x42 EDG brand new and a second pair of 7x42 EDG brand new from Kyoie, in case the first pair ever breaks, and that would cost the same as ordering one new pair of 7x42 UVHD here in the USA.
For me the question no longer arises, I had the EDG 7x42 for a few years and then replaced it with the UV 7x42.

Basically the question remains, are the 42 still in production or are they in stock, although the number of units is likely to be low.

The thing is, Zeiss, Swarovski, Leica keep spare parts for 30 years, which means that even if the warranty has expired you can have it repaired, with Nikon there are too many questions.

Exactly - you'll notice I didn't even bother trying to get a spare for the se directly....
The EASY answer(not popular on BF) is to just get a UVHD+ 7X42 and forget it!
It just got a lot easier! :) have a look in the classifieds today......quickly.....

I guess I'm able to separate the repair/warranty situation from the binoculars' quality in my mind - no doubt, if aftermarket care and service is what you want, EDG is not the best option. I've heard nothing good about Nikon USA and service. When my older Nikons needed service I didn't even think of contacting them.

But I did have a nice pair of 8x42 Nikon Premier LXL that lasted me through 10-12 years of use without any problems, so I jumped at the chance to get a new EDG from Japan to upgrade them. I just enjoyed some views with the 7x42 EDG and my 8x42 SF's together this morning. The juncos are swarming all over my yard which is cool! Red bellied woodpecker, cardinals, chickadees. The ease of eye placement in the EDG is wonderful compared to the SF's, while I love the grip and feel of holding the SF's in my hands, there's no other bino like it IMO.

Such a shame that Zeiss does not make a 7x42 SF, I would surely have a pair. Have to give Leica credit for maintaining a full line of UVHD's, even 50mm's, which again I would love to see in Zeiss SF's....or EDG for that matter.
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The EASY answer(not popular on BF) is to just get a UVHD+ 7X42 and forget it!

The only problem with this tidy solution is that in 7x42, EDGs are ~£600 cheaper than UVHD+s at the moment in the UK. And they apparently might have also some advantages (better edges, less CA, better focuser). Difficult to ignore these factors!
The only problem with this tidy solution is that in 7x42, EDGs are ~£600 cheaper than UVHD+s at the moment in the UK. And they apparently might have also some advantages (better edges, less CA, better focuser). Difficult to ignore these factors!
I'd probably take the £600 too. If you do happen to get an EDG, make sure the hinge tension is tight enough. Really that's the only real issue I've ever seen with one.
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