I'm a little behind with updates too, 5 sessions in August and still one from July to do.
1/8 268 moths, 97 species. Least Carpet led the way with 35. Dark
Spinach and Shaded Boad-bar both NFY.
A worn Marbled Beauty a Vapourer and a Lesser-spotted Pinion were
NFG from the Macros.
NFY micros were Carcina quercana, Eudonia mercurella, Catoptria
pinella and Agriphila tristella.
NFG Paraswammerdamia nebulla, Lyonetia clerkella, Aethes
smeathmanniana, Hypsopygia glaucinalis, Yponomeuta plumbella,
Pyrausta purpuralis, Oxyptilus distans, Agriphila geniculea and
Crambus uliginosellus.
4/8 212 moths 71 species. Buff Footman, Oblique Striped, Tawny Speckled
Pug and Hypatima rhomboidella all NFG.
NFY Small Scallop, Flounced Rustic and Garden Carpet.
7/8 399 moths, 89 species. Tawny Wave and Gypsy Moth NFG. Only the
11th county record for Gypsy Moth.
NFY were Mouse Moth, Copper Underwing and Spilonota ocellana.
10/8 256 moths 88 species. Rosy Rustic and Phycita roborella NFY.
NFG Argyresthia goedartella, Coleophora alcyonipennella, Amblyptilia
acanthadactyla, Nemapogon clematella and Calybites
Etiella zinckenella was NFG and the county by one day unless anyone
submits an earlier record.
13/8 258 moths 63 species. 40 Setacrous Hebrew Character the most
numerous. Orange Swift was NFY. Bulrush Wainscot and Udea
Below are Oblique Striped, Tawny Wave, Gypsy Moth, Oxyptilus distans and Bulrush Wainscot.