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Are the Swarovski NL 8x32s the best birding binoculars? (6 Viewers)

it’s important to learn when to stop arguing with people and just let them be wrong.

I learned to back way off with Dennis when I learned that he felt himself more astute than the optical engineers of SPIE or the professors of cognitive studies at MIT. As with most observers with erroneous opinions, I went the extra mile to create a graphic to illustrate that NO, he does not always KNOW what he sees.
Excuse me but I’m not sure what I’m not supposed to be seeing here. Without even reading the text I see two circles of the same color, with lighter or darker backgrounds.
what am I missing?

Excuse me but I’m not sure what I’m not supposed to be seeing here. Without even reading the text I see two circles of the same color, with lighter or darker backgrounds.
what am I missing?



  • Screen Shot 2021-12-18 at 6.33.06 PM copy 2.png
    Screen Shot 2021-12-18 at 6.33.06 PM copy 2.png
    90.9 KB · Views: 33
Its a contrast evaluation study that is context based. An optical illusion that humans are susceptible to. Bottom line is, as 'the other' Bill says, means that what you think you see isn't necessarily what you are actually seeing. Its a common challenge in outdoor painting.
...or just a fellow in desperate need of attention and was willing to suffer the slings and arrows of others on BF to get it.
yep. Even 'bad' publicity is 'good' publicity for such an individual. The behavior doesn't have anything to do with binoculars at all.
It's an optical illusion - to show how a background colour/gradient can effect what colour the circles appears to the eye
I’ve seen some of these optical illusions before, but in this particular one I do see the same color in the circles, that’s why I asked. Thx 🙏🏼
I’ve seen some of these optical illusions before, but in this particular one I do see the same color in the circles, that’s why I asked. Thx 🙏🏼
one appears slightly darker. Perhaps this illustates his intent better on background effects

I’ve seen some of these optical illusions before, but in this particular one I do see the same color in the circles, that’s why I asked. Thx 🙏🏼
The circle on the dark background is supposed to appear brighter and the the circle on the pale background is supposed to appear darker, when in fact, the circles are identical.

That’s a keeper. Thx 🙏🏼

This is a very nice review article.

However, I would say that color is psychophysics - a sensation created by a phenomenon - and that generally we may be a bit cavalier when it comes to the effect of white adoption in binoculars, and in particular the fact that spectral transmission may not be constant across the field, skewing the observer's whitepoint. Obviously, observer whitepoint adoption cannot be established by measuring the binoculars, or even less by measuring on-axis transmission.

Anyway, high-end audio equipment has demonstrated that the last percent of satisfaction is the most expensive :)

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I have been reading and trying to avoid your high-brow conceited posts for 10 years also. You don't have any idea how much you irritate other people, especially me. You're dangerous because you THINK you know a lot about binoculars, but you don't. Haven't you ever noticed nobody responds to your posts? Every time you posts, the thread just dies because you say nothing meaningful. I have had more field experience than you will ever have with binoculars, and I have used more binoculars than you ever will. I would appreciate it if you would stay off my threads if you don't like my posts. I am sick and tired of your criticism and insults and I wish I could confront you face to face, but you would probably hide under a rock like the worm you are.
Ok, its not healthy to keep your feelings and emotions all balled up inside you, just let it out, don't hold back :LOL::LOL::LOL:
I have been reading and trying to avoid your high-brow conceited posts for 10 years also. You don't have any idea how much you irritate other people, especially me. You're dangerous because you THINK you know a lot about binoculars, but you don't. Haven't you ever noticed nobody responds to your posts? Every time you posts, the thread just dies because you say nothing meaningful. I have had more field experience than you will ever have with binoculars, and I have used more binoculars than you ever will. I would appreciate it if you would stay off my threads if you don't like my posts. I am sick and tired of your criticism and insults and I wish I could confront you face to face, but you would probably hide under a rock like the worm you are.
Dennis, they are not "your threads" even if your were the OP.....they belong to everyone on the forum, and everyone has the right to comment on them .... but of course that is typical of your attitude. Oh and I'm not sure how you can both read and avoid wdc's comments at the same time! Interesting that! Still hopefully your last sentence will see you chucked off the forum for a while, for insulting a fellow contributor, and then we can all carry on as normal!!

Admittedly, your calculated naivete does function as a way of dragging folks into a 'discussion', but with very few enlightening ideas emanating from the center, only from the periphery. Sort of a village idiot/socratic dialogue... But perhaps that is just the way of the internet, where individuals of your sort set up camp in a forum and relentlessly drive a thread with the basic underlying premise of "let's talk as long as possible about a binocular I currently own.." while you reiterate the same flimsy rationalizations as a sort of easy bait to draw folks in.
I guess it works from time to time, and we're just a bunch of suckers ;-)

Interesting summary of the fellow's strategy. I have long ago put him on "ignore", but even then, I see from the many replies by others that his tactics work. I have a feeling his goal is to be the person who has the most BF space.
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