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Anyone know what kind of bird this is? -Arizona, USA (1 Viewer)

I agree (except with "slightly"). Bill is extreme even for Crissal's thrasher but the plumage is 100% curve-billed thrasher.
I agree (except with "slightly"). Bill is extreme even for Crissal's thrasher but the plumage is 100% curve-billed thrasher.
What I meant was the bills structure was slightly deformed, agree that it’s much longer than it should be.
The coloring says curve-bill. The bill says crissal. There is no obvious dark line on the throat, though there's a hint of a white one. Behavior and habitat may help to further the decision. I watched a curve-bill today search 30 feet of a sidewalk edge at my house in Tempe, leaving debris scattered everywhere. The curve-bill is fairly conspicuous while I rarely see a crissal.
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