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Any ideas with identifying the picture below (2 Viewers)


New member
Hi, I am totally new bird forum and was directed here by a colleague, who as member thought I may get some help in identifying the young chick on the photo below. It was found. (sadly dead) in the garden back in late October, we live on the eastern side of the Pennines, outside Huddersfield. The chick was just found on the drive late one afternoon. Any help in identifying it would be most welcome. Thanks in anticipation of any assistance.


  • 2014-10-010.jpg
    516.7 KB · Views: 328
A dead pigeon chick in late October should be of a Feral Pigeon, which can breed pretty much all year round. It would be way too late for any other wild pigeon, no?
A dead pigeon chick in late October should be of a Feral Pigeon, which can breed pretty much all year round. It would be way too late for any other wild pigeon, no?

I thought most pigeons ie Wood or otherwise would breed all year around - interesting fact to know of ;)

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