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Any idea where to find this style feeder? (1 Viewer)


New member
United States
Many years ago I got this bird feeder as a gift. While not the nicest feeder it has been great for the birds. The reason being it is three tiers with a center fill while, so as the seed is eaten, the birds don’t have to fight over the bottom feeding ports. The feeder is definitely showing it’s age as the plastic has yellow, and cracked in multiple places and I wanted to get a new one— but can’t seem to find this style any longer. Does anyone know where I can get one similar?
Thanks, I looked and couldn’t find anything similar. Unfortunately they probably don’t make them anymore. Too bad, i really think they have a good design. It feeds a ridiculous number of finches in my yard.
That looks like an old one. Do a google image search. You might find one from a store that has them in stock from years ago or something similar.
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