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Anglesey - Newborough Forest Ravens (2 Viewers)


New member
Hello everybody

Me and my hubby have visited Newborough Warren and Forest a couple of times now. Although we spot the odd raven or two we have never seen the numbers that are supposed to roost there. Does anyone out there know roughly the best spot to go? We go out just before dusk park at the car park having gone through the toll and down the track. Over the dunes and onto the beach. A local chap told us to keep to the right - towards Malltraeth and walk about 4 miles. He said there was a track and right enough we have found this and carried out his instructiions - but precious few ravens or even raven noises! In fact for most of the time there was nothing but deathly silence! We have also tried going to the left - more towards the sands of Newborough Warren but no luck there either. We have also walked through the forest - following the tracks. As you leave Newborough village and head towards Malltraeth there is a carpark and walk through the forest - does anyone know if this links up with the walks from the Newborough side? Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you all
Hi Helen,

Welcome to BF.

The last time I was there at the right time of day I saw scores of Ravens flying in - but not from NF itself. I was along the footpath at Afon Cefni, by Malltraeth Marsh. You can park at Pont Marquis (434698) & walk along the footpath north from there towards the RSPB reserve. Good chance of owls & other raptors too.

I wrote about it on 'My Birding Day' - I'll try to find the link for you.

As the Ravens come in from many directions being alongside the forest isn't the best place to be.

There is another large roost at Mynnydd Llwydwarth, south of Red Warf Bay, which is worth a look.

The Cob which CB refers to is at Malltraeth where the estuary meets the road.


EDIT : Here's the link: see post 15.

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Hi Helen and welcome to Birdforum.

The only thing I can find in the Opus article is this sentence: The area can be viewed from the road or from the embankment known as Malltraeth Cob.

I'm sure there'll be someone else along with further info for you though.

If you want to find the ravens at Newborough, park at the Malltreath carpark and follow the main track to Llanddwyn. Shortly after the first main track on the right leading to the estuary you'll be near where they roost.

The following is a link to an audio recording of them roosting.
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