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France - 2024 (1 Viewer)

I have heard that wine can be bought by the glass rather than bottle/pitcher in restaurants but it is purely theoretical knowledge. ;-)

I would say that is usually of considerably higher standard that that you get thrown in with El Menu in Spain.

There is some wildlife there too.

Yes, most restaurants now serve wine by the glass. Depending on the restaurant it's either the same wine that they have in pichet or wine from a bottle of usually higher quality (when it's the case, it's mentionned one the menu).
Yes, most restaurants now serve wine by the glass. Depending on the restaurant it's either the same wine that they have in pichet or wine from a bottle of usually higher quality (when it's the case, it's mentionned one the menu).
I was being flippant. As far as I'm aware restaurants in the UK, France and most other countries have pretty well always sold it by the glass.
Yes but wine in pichet is usually lower quality than the ones in bottle...but it's true that a bottle of wine in a restaurant in France can be super expensive (sometimes twice the price of the same bottle in a supermarket !)
I would absolutely expect the same wine to be at least twice the price of a supermarket.

The usual rule of thumb for the restauranter is the price of the bottle minus the tax times by 3 and that becomes the selling price, including the tax... so a 10 euro HT (hors tax) bottle (12e on the shelf) would sell at 30 euro on a menu TTC (tax compris).

For any wine that was over 15e for me to buy I would times by 2,5 - so a smaller margin.

The caraffe wine would be closer to 8 times multiplier - 50cl for 7e = 140e for a 10l box which used to cost about 12e....

So for value you need to be buying a wine in the region of 35e! I know that some wine I was selling in the restaurant was cheaper than a shelf price in the UK. Also I know that the multiplier in the UK is closer to 5 times on a base cost that is already higher.
Flying back to collect the dog next week and struck lucky with the portsmouth cherbourg crossing - it's overnight and the dog has a kennel so doesn't need to stay in the car.

All the other sailings didn't have a cabin and the dog had to stay in the car...
very late to this

we would recommend Brittany / Loire Atlantic / Maine et Loire

Basically between Nantes Vannes Angers

There is lots to see and do and less driving


Like the others we wouldn't dream of driving long distances on anything other than toll roads in France


Corncrakes are , sadly, scarce even in the flood valley north Angers

on Faune France there is only one contact this year :(


and to hear them you needed to be there before dawn ;)

you should really get a login for Faune France and the Naturalist app for your telephone

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