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Where premium quality meets exceptional value. ZEISS Conquest HDX.

A Review of Meopta MeoStar B1.1 10x42 HD (1 Viewer)

I have to revisit this thread and thank you Lee for the review.
It made me bold enough to pull the trigger on the B1 Plus 10x42 while waiting for my second hand Zeiss 8x32 FL.

I was half expecting to evaluate the 10x42 and send it back since I was hoping to scrape by with "just" my 8x and 15x binos.
However, I am so impressed by the 10x42 that I just can't send it back. I think it betters the Zeiss 10x32 FL I sold off and having looked through the Zeiss SF 10x42 I am not sure I would have paid the premium over the Meopta. I do have a long term relationship and liking of Zeiss premium optics and still do - but Meopta have taken a well deserved place in the arsenal.

I have not seen any of the previous versions of the Meostars but the two I have and the two other I have seen are all top tier binoculars.

There is so much wildlife on the move around the house I have been working the three binos round the clock this weekend :)
I am currently researching birding books, I have learnt about five or six species today but then I got stuck trying to ID through the interwebz so I want a geeky poster so I can start chalking them up.
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