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A mad month in Madagascar Oct/Nov 2012 (1 Viewer)

Thanks for a great write-up.

Madagascar has been on my to-do list for a while and now I am even keener to get there now that you have described how it can be done for a sensible price. Have you checked how much the BQ clients will have paid for seeing a lot less birds than you did?

Thank you for a wonderful writeup of an outstanding trip.
Madagascar is a place I'd love to visit before it is entirely trashed.
Hopefully visitors such as you will alert the people to better appreciate the treasures that surround them.
Thanks for the effort in putting together this great report Ads. A place I've always wanted to go and more so now than ever...
Great read Ads, Bet Madagascar gets a few more independent travellers after this. Perhaps you can contact Gabs and ask for some commission.
Really enjoyed the report and the photos. Haven't caught up with Kev yet as just missed him at the arctic redpoll. Might try and persuade him to give another talk to the SOG as you saw some wonderful birds and other wildlife and had quite an adventure!

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