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Where premium quality meets exceptional value. ZEISS Conquest HDX.

8x56 & 8x54 Brand Comparisons (1 Viewer)

The Doctors are good for astro as they have very high shorter wavelength transmission. Many astro binoculars are porros and not sealed or armoured, so less good if taken out in poor weather. I might take the Doctors out on my next trip, see how I get on.

Here are the sobering numbers.

"There are strong stories surrounding this viewer on the internet, among other things. It has been claimed for a long time that the
viewer has a light transmission of 95%. Our measurements were unable to confirm this. The
highest value of transmitted light for daylight viewing in the spectral region where the
eye is optimally sensitive (550-560 nm) is approximately 85% and that is considerably less than the claimed
95%. It should be noted that at a light transmission of 85% the image brightness is noticeable
is less than with a light transmission of 95%."

Thanks, although I don't read Dutch....
Is there a report on the latest FMT's (MKii's) as this report was 2013 by the looks of it.
I had the 8x56 SLC HD for a good while - I don't think you'll find better in a '56. An all round top bino and probably a future classic. One of the best optics currently available IMHO.

7x42's a very good low light option as well though and one I have returned to, focusing accurately becomes more difficult at night on terrestrial targets so the 7x's greater depth of field is a useful asset - and they're lighter and smaller.
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