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  1. Denny Woodthorpe

    Getting there

    Well, I have set up a feeding station at my static caravan. It is actually on the decking, only five feet from the lounge windows, but birds are using it already. There is even a solar powered fountain that gets plenty of use. There are goldfinches, greenfinches and chaffinches, robins, house...
  2. Starling


  3. Starling


    Chestnut-tailed / Grey-headed Starling Image cropped, re-sized, levels adjusted and minimally sharpened. Thank you for your kind appreciation of my previous posts.
  4. European starling

    European starling

    What do you do with the pummeled and broken tree limbs from the recent coastal winter storms? Yes, you chop them up, but don't throw them out: use them as bird perches for photo-ops instead. Here's a European starling trying to figure out how on Earth peanuts got wedged in there.
  5. Starling


    in our apple tree.
  6. Mating melody

    Mating melody

    "The song is a rich medley of whistles, clicks, and gurgling noises. The starling is also an excellent mimic and will incorporate the calls of other birds such as curlew, chickens, and even car alarms into its song!"...
  7. Brahminy Starling

    Brahminy Starling

    Image cropped, re-sized, levels adjusted and minimally sharpened. Thank you for your kind appreciation of my previous posts.
  8. Starling


    Brahminy Starling / Brahminy Myna. Image cropped, re-sized, levels adjusted and minimally sharpened. Thank you for your kind appreciation of my previous posts.
  9. Starling


    Chestnut-tailed / Grey-headed Starling
  10. Chestnut-tailed Starling

    Chestnut-tailed Starling

    Image cropped, re-sized, levels adjusted and minimally sharpened. Thank you for your kind appreciation of my previous posts.
  11. Juvenile starling

    Juvenile starling

  12. Chestnut-tailed starling

    Chestnut-tailed starling

    Also called Grey-headed Starling. Image cropped, re-sized, levels adjusted and minimally sharpened. Thank you for your kind appreciation of my previous posts.
  13. Chestnut-tailed Starling

    Chestnut-tailed Starling

    Image cropped, re-sized, levels adjusted and minimally sharpened. Thank you for your kind appreciation of my previous posts.
  14. XXX_3517b.jpg


    Starlings on power lines
  15. Starling


  16. It's too darn hot!

    It's too darn hot!

    That day we went over 30C (86F). That may not sound hot to some of you, but the birds here were panting.
  17. common starling

    common starling

  18. Starling juvenile

    Starling juvenile

    Starling juvenile
  19. In full song

    In full song

    Their performance was awesome but his place was just perfect.
  20. Juvenile starlings

    Juvenile starlings

    Five waiting for ... ? Guess.
  21. Starling


  22. Common starling perched

    Common starling perched

    Common starling perched with food in it's beak (about to feed its chicks)
  23. Chestnut-Tailed Starling

    Chestnut-Tailed Starling

    Image cropped, re-sized, levels adjusted and minimally sharpened. Thank you for your kind appreciation of my previous posts.
  24. Starling hopping from tippy top to a lower branch

    Starling hopping from tippy top to a lower branch

    Two European starlings in the very top of a tall fir tree, one caught jumping from the skinny top spire to a lower branchlet.
  25. Starling


    Chestnut-tailed / Grey-headed Starling Image cropped, re-sized, levels adjusted and minimally sharpened. Thank you for your kind appreciation of my previous posts.