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ruddy turnstone

  1. turnstone


    Wish i lived at the beach, never get tired of takeing pics of beach birds.
  2. ruddy turnstone

    ruddy turnstone

  3. Ruddy Turnstone

    Ruddy Turnstone

    this turnstone was on his high tide roosting rock in the late afternoon sun
  4. Ruddy Turnstone

    Ruddy Turnstone

    Refuelling whilst on migration, May 2003
  5. Ruddy Turnstone

    Ruddy Turnstone

    Coolpix 4500 / Swaro AT80HD + 20-60x zoom. Late afternoon on beach at Llanfairfechan, Conwy. North Wales.
  6. Ruddy Turnstone

    Ruddy Turnstone

    Ruddy Turnstone