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puntarenas province

  1. Scarlet Macaw

    Scarlet Macaw

    Scarlet Macaw (Ara macao guayaquilensis) Two subspecies are recognized with subspecies guyaquilensis being the only one in Costa Rica. It is the National bird of Honduras. Like most Psttacids the Scarlet Macaw is long lived, 30-50 years. Photographed this Macaw eating the fruits of the...
  2. Black Sandy Beach

    Black Sandy Beach

    Black Sandy Beach near Jaco, Puntarenas Province, Costa Rica, Pacific side.
  3. Yellow-crowned Euphonia (female)

    Yellow-crowned Euphonia (female)

    Yellow-crowned Euphonia (Euphonia lutteicapilla) Photographed on the lodge grounds at Si Como No Lodge in Quepos, Puntarenas Province, Costa Rica. Low wet rain forest at ca. 26 m (85 ft) elevation. Species sexually dimorphic.
  4. Yellow-crowned Euphonia (male)

    Yellow-crowned Euphonia (male)

    Yellow-crowned Euphonia (Euphonia lutteicapilla) Photographed on the lodge grounds at Si Como No Lodge in Quepos, Puntarenas Province, Costa Rica. Low wet rain forest at 26 m (85 ft) elevation. Species sexually dimorphic.
  5. American Crocodile

    American Crocodile

    American Crocodile, known in Costa Rica as Cocodrilo (Crodylus acutus: Crocodylidae) Today their average length is between 3.0-3.7 m (10-12 ft) because of mans activities, including, polluting, habitat destruction and poaching large individuals for sport and the leather industry but the record...
  6. Guacimo


    Guacimo also known as West Indian Elm, Bastard Cedar, and Bay Cedar (Guazuma ulmifolia: Malvaceae) A tree to 15 plus m (ca. 50 ft) tall that is wide spread in the lowlands throughout Costa Rica. Previously treated in the family Sterculiaceae. Photographed near Ri Trcoles, west side of Parque...
  7. Yellow-headed Gecko (male)

    Yellow-headed Gecko (male)

    Yellow-headed Gecko (Gonatodes albigularis: Gekkonidae) A relatively small lizard reaching a total length of about 10.2 cm (4 in). An introduced species that has become naturalized and is found throughout the lowlands of Costa Rica. This male was photographed on the lodge grounds at Si Como No...
  8. Common Black-hawk

    Common Black-hawk

    Common Black-hawk (Buteogallus anthracinus bangsi) Five subspecies are recognized with a single one being mapped for Costa Rica, subspecies bangsi. Photographed along the banks of Ri Trcoles north of Playa Azul and west side of Parque Nacional Carara, Puntarenas Province, Costa Rica. Low wet...
  9. Gray Cracker

    Gray Cracker

    Gray Cracker (Hamadryas februa ferentina: Nymphalidae) This extremely cryptic butterfly has a wingspan of 7.0-8.9 cm (2.8-3.5 in). It is named for the sound it makes when taking flight and in flight. Adults almost always rest on tree trunks with their heads pointing downward and their wings...
  10. Northern Jacana

    Northern Jacana

    Northern Jacana (Jacana spinosa spinosa) Three subspecies are recognized with only the nominate being found in Costa Rica. Photographed along the banks of Ri Trcoles North of Playa Azul and west side of Parque Nacional Carara, Puntarenas Province, Costa Rica. Open bare ground, riverine, river...
  11. Red Passionflower Vine

    Red Passionflower Vine

    Red Passion Flower (Passiflora vitiflora: Passifloraceae) One of nearly 50 species of Passiflora in Costa Rica alone. It is found in the lowlands to nearly 1,000 m (3,280 ft) elevation. A fast growing clambering vine that grows 4.6-6.1 m (15-20 ft) long with crimson red flowers that are 10-12...
  12. Common Potoo

    Common Potoo

    Common Potoo (Nyctibius griseus panamensis) Two subspecies have been recognized with only subspecies panamensis being mapped for Costa Rica. Photographed in Si Como No Resorts Wildlife Refuge in Quepos, Puntarenas Province, Costa Rica. Lowland wet rainforest at about 26 m (85 ft) elevation...
  13. Slough Amberwing

    Slough Amberwing

    Slough Amberwing (Perithemis domita: Libelluidae) Photographed this small dragonfly over a small forest swale impounding shallow water in Si Como No Resorts Wildlife Refuge in Quepos, Puntarenas Province, Costa Rica. Lowland wet rainforest at about 26 m (85 ft) elevation.
  14. Orange-collared Manakin (male)

    Orange-collared Manakin (male)

    Orange-collared Manakin (Manacus aurantiacus) Photographed near Dominical, Puntarenas Province, Costa Rica in a low wet rainforest at ca. 150 m (492 ft) elevation. It is said to range up to 1,100 m (3,609 ft). Southern Pacific slope. Species sexually dimorphic.
  15. Black-hooded Antshrike (male)

    Black-hooded Antshrike (male)

    Black-hooded Antshrike (Thamnophilus bridgesi) Photographed in Parque Nacional Carara in a low wet rainforest at ca. 122 m (400 ft) elevation. This park is situated along the Central Pacific coast about 48 km (30 mi) southwest of San Jos, the Capitol of Costa Rica in the Puntarenas Province...
  16. Bare-throated Tiger Heron

    Bare-throated Tiger Heron

    Bare-throated Tiger Heron (Tigrisoma mexicanum) Photographed in an African Oil Palm Plantation (Elaeis guineensis) between Quepos and Dominical, in Puntarenas Province, Costa Rica. Converted low wet rain forest at ca. 30 m (98 ft) elevation. Sexes similar.
  17. Agouti


    Central American Agouti (Dasyprocta punctata: Dasyproctidae) This large nimble, short-tailed, short-eared, seed dispersing rodent can grow from 41.5-62 cm (16.3-24.4 in) long with an abbreviated tail of 1-2.5 cm (0.4-1 in) long. They weigh from 2.3-4 kg (5-8.8 lbs) and can be found from sea...
  18. Four-lined Whiptail

    Four-lined Whiptail

    Four-lined Whitptail (Ameiva quadrileneata: Teiidae) A medium sized lizard ranging in length (snout-vent) 40-78 mm (1.6-3.1 in) with a tail at least as long. Photographed on the forest floor in Parque Nacional Carara after fleeing an open trail. They prefer sunlight opposed to shade. Primary...
  19. Agami Heron

    Agami Heron

    Agami Heron (Agamia agami) Photographed this gorgeous but wary Heron in a mangrove swamp off a tributary of Ri Trcoles. North of Playa Azul and west side of Parque Nacional Carara, Puntarenas Province, Costa Rica. Mangrove swamp at ca. 1 m (3.2 ft) elevation. Sexes similar. Canon 30D with a...
  20. Blue-black Grassquit (male)

    Blue-black Grassquit (male)

    Blue-black Grassquit (Volatinia jacarina splendens) Three subspecies are recognized with only subspecies splendens being mapped for Costa Rica. Photographed along the infamous 47 kilometers of misery, the Pacific Hwy from Quepos to Dominical near a small town called Savegre Pasito, Puntarenas...
  21. Cherries's Tanager (female)

    Cherries's Tanager (female)

    Cherriess Tanager (Rhamphcelus costaricensis) A Pacific slope and lowlands species, male Cherriess Tanager and male Passerinis Tanager (Rhamphcelus passerinii) are virtually identical. The safest way to separate the species is by the females. Female Cherriess has a broad orangish breast band...