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haematopus ostralegus

  1. Oystercatchers and friends

    Oystercatchers and friends

    That first trip to Kinnordy with the new camera was quite memorable for birds too. Apart from the Garganey, Little Ringed Plover, Common Snipe and Jack Snipe were at the reserve. I think I've got them all in this image!! At the front is a Teal, then the Oystercatchers, but behind, right below...
  2. Black and white flyers

    Black and white flyers

    There were loads of birds sitting on the bog bean and suddenly they all lifted. I couldn't see what set them off, but took a general picture in the hopes I might see something on download. But no. Not the greatest of pictures in the poor light that day, but I rather liked the action and the...
  3. All black and white...

    All black and white...

    ... with a touch of yellow. Anyone who knows me, will realise I was in heaven that day (black and white birds are my favourites)!! Taken on my last visit to Kinnordy.
  4. Oystercatcher


  5. Oystercatcher


  6. Oystercatcher


  7. Eurasian Oystercatcher

    Eurasian Oystercatcher

  8. Eurasian Oystercatcher

    Eurasian Oystercatcher

  9. Oystercatcher


    a nice flyby over a typical Norfolk sea
  10. I'm bigger 'n you!

    I'm bigger 'n you!

    After lunch, we set off south down the peninsula - hardly any traffic on this road really and there in front of us were these two! Quality not the best, as it was taken through the car windscreen.
  11. Foraging 101

    Foraging 101

    Much of the action on today's hike was adults teaching juvies how to forage. In the case of gulls, the lesson seemed to consist of ignoring the juvies' plaintive cries. In the case of the oystercatchers the lessons were more attentive. This one has been showing the juvie where to find mussels...
  12. One ran east, one ran west, two ran up to a 2-chick nest

    One ran east, one ran west, two ran up to a 2-chick nest

    One of the chicks headed off-stage right staying at the base of the outcropping. The other three headed upwards into the craggy bits, two of them close together and one off to the left a bit. These are the three in the "how many" shot, but some knobby bits of the rocks - one at the...
  13. How many oystercatcher chicks can you find?

    How many oystercatcher chicks can you find?

    I had a cropped version of this picture ready, but when I took a closer look at the original I found more chicks hiding. How many can you find? And how sure are you that what you've found are actually chicks? Their plumage coloring and patterning is a near-perfect match for the sand and rocks on...
  14. Oystercatcher


    Another from the bank of the Stour
  15. Oystercatcher catching worms

    Oystercatcher catching worms

    This oystercatcher was catching worms in a park between the highway, hospital and campus - right downtown. Not a place I'm accustomed to seeing oystercatchers. Also, I thought oystercatchers' legs were a bit brighter pink. Based on childhood chickenfarming knowledge - could the pale legs...
  16. squabble


    what a laugh, 2 prs of Oystercatchers were remonstrating with each other all of them beaks open facing downwards and making one hell of a racket, the photo doesn't do the moment justice.....
  17. Eurasian Oystercatcher

    Eurasian Oystercatcher

  18. Common Pied Oystercatcher

    Common Pied Oystercatcher

    Another bird who looked like it was enjoying the evening sun
  19. ostralegus


  20. Haematopus ostralegus

    Haematopus ostralegus

  21. Eurasian Oystercatcher

    Eurasian Oystercatcher

  22. Sorry no time to talk

    Sorry no time to talk
