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  1. Black-throated Blue Warbler, female

    Black-throated Blue Warbler, female

    I see these often during migration, but the males are pretty elusive. This gal was eating berries from our Lantana bush. She let me get pretty close and from what I understand, Black-throated Blues will allow you to get pretty close.
  2. Ruby-crowned Kinglet

    Ruby-crowned Kinglet

    These guys are pretty hard to catch setting still, and I'm still trying to get a shot of one with that "Ruby Crown" shining. I have seen that ruby flash many times, but never when I was pointing a camera at one : )
  3. Blackpoll Warbler

    Blackpoll Warbler

    Pretty rare in my neighborhood, but I shot these while they were visiting a pear tree in my back yard. My first sighting of the Blackpoll. They were traveling with some Cape May Warblers. I got some good shots of those and will post later.
  4. Black-hooded (Nanday) Parakeet

    Black-hooded (Nanday) Parakeet

  5. Solitary Sandpipers

    Solitary Sandpipers

    An ironic pair of solitary sandpipers at Green Cay Wetlands, Boynton Beach, Florida.
  6. Wilson's Snipe

    Wilson's Snipe

    Wilson's Snipe at Green Cay Wetlands, Boynton Beach, Florida.
  7. Black-Necked Stilt

    Black-Necked Stilt

    A pair of Black-Necked Stilts at Green Cay Wetlands, Boynton Beach, Florida.
  8. Least Bittern

    Least Bittern

    A Least Bittern creeping up from amongst the cattails at Green Cay Wetlands, Boynton Beach, Florida.
  9. Ring-Billed Gull

    Ring-Billed Gull

    A juvenile Ring-Billed Gull on the sand in Palm Beach, Florida.
  10. Sanderlings


    A pair of Sanderlings running along the surf at Palm Beach, Florida.
  11. Snowy Egret

    Snowy Egret

    A Snowy Egret fishing beside the rocks at Palm Beach, Florida
  12. Eastern Screech-Owl

    Eastern Screech-Owl

    An Eastern Screech-Owl perched on a palm frond at Green Cay Wetlands, Boynton Beach, Florida.
  13. Black Skimmer

    Black Skimmer

    A Black Skimmer over the water at Pahokee State Park, Pahokee, Florida.
  14. Eastern Phoebe

    Eastern Phoebe

    The Eastern Phoebe is one of the tyrant flycatchers seen most frequently in Palm Beach County.
  15. Great Egret

    Great Egret

    A close-up of a Great Egret at Green Cay Wetlands, Boynton Beach, Florida.
  16. American Bittern

    American Bittern

    An American Bittern in the reeds at Green Cay Wetlands, Boynton Beach, Florida.
  17. Sora


    A Sora making a brief foray out of the dense vegetation at Green Cay Wetlands, Boynton Beach, Florida.
  18. Purple Gallinule

    Purple Gallinule

    A Purple Gallinule at Green Cay Wetlands, Boynton Beach, Florida.
  19. Ring-Billed Gulls

    Ring-Billed Gulls

    An adult and juvenile Ring-Billed Gull in flight over Clearwater Lake at Okeeheelee Park, West Palm Beach, Florida
  20. Ring-Necked Duck

    Ring-Necked Duck

    December brings migrant Ring-Necked Ducks down to South Florida, like this pair of females seen at Okeeheelee Park, West Palm Beach, Florida.
  21. Yellow-Crowned Night Heron

    Yellow-Crowned Night Heron

    A juvenile Yellow-Crowned Night Heron at Green Cay Wetlands, Boynton Beach, Florida.
  22. Blue-Winged Teal

    Blue-Winged Teal

    A Blue-Winged Teal at Green Cay Wetlands, Boynton Beach, Florida.
  23. Least Bittern, Female

    Least Bittern, Female

  24. Did you see that?

    Did you see that?

    Two ladies who's conversation was rudely interrupted by some commotion in the marsh.
  25. Least Bittern, Female

    Least Bittern, Female
