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european starling

  1. Or is this profile better?

    Or is this profile better?

    I couldn't decide, so I posted both. I was quite taken with how the iridescence shifted with his poses.
  2. Have you got my best profile?

    Have you got my best profile?

    Starling posing in sunshine in the cathedral park.
  3. European Starling.jpg

    European Starling.jpg

    European Starling (Sturnus vulgaris vulgaris) Also known as Common Starling.
  4. Common (European) Starling

    Common (European) Starling

    Grey Squirrels are notorious for stripping bark off trees, but this Starling in search of nest material seems equally guilty. Thank you for your comments on my pictures, stay safe and well, and good birding! John
  5. Starling braking to enter nesting cavity

    Starling braking to enter nesting cavity

    Two nesting cavities at top of utility pole near my home, both occupied by European starlings. Had been noticing starlings flying toward the top of this pole as I was walking home from the park, wondered why I didn't see them on top of the pole as I got closer; finally realized they were flying...
  6. Starling, pausing to reflect. Okay, bad pun...

    Starling, pausing to reflect. Okay, bad pun...

    Starling on a wire in morning light
  7. Dark stars

    Dark stars

    The "dark side" can be quite colorful.
  8. European Starling, Veterans Park.jpg

    European Starling, Veterans Park.jpg

    European Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) Also known as the Common Starling. Breeding plumage showing its bright yellow bill.
  9. Common Starling.jpg

    Common Starling.jpg

    Common Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) Previously known as the European Starling.
  10. Playing with his food

    Playing with his food

    Swinging that caterpillar this way and that before finally gobbling it down.
  11. Starling 12-27-20 IMG_0355web.jpg

    Starling 12-27-20 IMG_0355web.jpg

    European Starling on beaver-chewed limb
  12. Need a disincentive

    Need a disincentive

    to help you stop eating all those Christmas cookies? Perhaps this image will help.
  13. SF - Woops!

    SF - Woops!

    I was shooting this one stretching downwards for a birch catkin when it lost its balance and shot out a wing to recover. Made for a better picture.
  14. SF - Ouch!

    SF - Ouch!

    I think I'll manage to catch up today, in between shopping, making apple butter, and guests for dinner (husband is cooking dinner this time, and the pie for afters is already baked) - so here comes an SF series about eating difficulties.
  15. First signs of Fall

    First signs of Fall

    This was late August. The birch leaves were just starting to turn yellow and the Starlings were just starting to gather for their flight southwards. Yesterday I posted a set of shots on Facebook of various brilliant Fall colors we still have on display around town - bright yellow birches, red...
  16. Gottcha!


    Whatever it was, it hadn't managed to hide from this Starling.
  17. Got one!

    Got one!

    A lot of the birds were immatures, at various stages of moulting into adult plumage. I think I have one with just one baby feather still showing and I know I have another with a full head and neck of baby brown. They all seemed to have what in Norwegian is called "nringsvett" (wisdom enough to...
  18. Contortionist


    My best shots of the Starlings were of the ones feeding on berries in a Whitebeam tree. The sun was right on the tree, lighting up all those bright red berries and green and yellow foliage, and often the birds were perched out in the clear working a cluster of berries in full view.
  19. Playing Woodpecker

    Playing Woodpecker

    We're having lovely weather here this week - "Indian Summer". So after my Tuesday gym session I hiked over to the Moholt cemetery to see what birds were about. I decided to share a few shots from that session before going back to my chronology. So what did I see at the cemetery? I...
  20. Water babies - not

    Water babies - not

    And finally, on my way from one body of water to the next, there was a flock of Starlings, many of them feeding youngsters, on a lawn.
  21. Slow food for a fast eater

    Slow food for a fast eater

    Not exactly appetizing to me, but the Starling chick seems quite enthusiastic about slugs for dinner :-O
  22. Common Starling

    Common Starling

    A hugely underrated and pretty garden bird, The Common starling (Sturnus vulgaris) on my bird feeder, Essex, U.K.
  23. European Starling

    European Starling

    European Starling (Sturnus vulgaris vulgaris)
  24. Gatekeeper


    This Starling was singing out the "fees" for passing the kissing gate on the path down to Clickimin Brough.
  25. Young ruffian

    Young ruffian

    This young Starling was hanging over a pair of Dutch tourists, probably hoping to berate them into dropping some of their lunch where he could grab it.