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cyanistes caeruleus

  1. Aaargh I dropped it!

    Aaargh I dropped it!

    The water bath has a small flat-topped stone at the edge where I put a few meal worms. The Blue Tit had obviously knocked one off and was trying to retrieve it. This is one of the pictures I 'lost' the other day when I'd forgotten to put the card in - Chris kindly put me on the right road to...
  2. And sometimes there's two

    And sometimes there's two

    A couple of days ago two Blue Tits landed on the feeder and it looked like one was feeding the other - it only lasted a second and I didn't get a picture. But here they are on top of the bath, but it looks more like they're having an argument. I was quite pleased to catch the moment.
  3. Bluey having a drink (or had one)

    Bluey having a drink (or had one)

    Well, the Coal Tit returned (about 3 times) and really had a lovely bath each time. He soaked the window so photos becamed increasingly blurred, but I got some good ones to start with. Then I got Memory Full... er... I'd forgotten to put the card in and I can't retrieve them (no download cable)...
  4. Blue Tit on window feeder

    Blue Tit on window feeder

    Well this should put a stop to KC nagging me:-O ***f8**** AP. 1/50 sec 0 EV For those of you that understand these things - which I don't really. Anyway it was very bright and sunny, and he'd just grabbed a mealworm out of the water. It was a shame this morning - the first Coal Tit for...
  5. Blue Tit on window feeder

    Blue Tit on window feeder

    This is the first picture that I've taken on a Manual setting (I usually always shoot on Auto or Landscape mode) and it's heavily cropped too. Settings were: 1/1000 sec, F/4.5 and ISO 400. It's through glass of course and I only have a short window of time to do it before the sun comes round...
  6. Blue Tit and moss

    Blue Tit and moss

    This was one of a pr that spent a few days gathering nest material for the center box in one of my house sparrow terraces, obviously preferring a lofty position
  7. Blue Tit

    Blue Tit

  8. Blue Tit

    Blue Tit

    Perched nicely on a damp post during yet more rain.....
  9. 30 minutes, 1 perch, 4 tits

    30 minutes, 1 perch, 4 tits

    yay we had a little sun today, so had a coffee break with the camera and moved my feeder n perch into the sun and then had these 4 birds all perch and feed in a 30 min slot, sometimes more than one at a time, the coal tit would only come when it was clear, the LTT's would come and the resident...
  10. Blue Tit

    Blue Tit

  11. Blue Tit

    Blue Tit

  12. Blue tit

    Blue tit

    Just love them...they're so cute. :)
  13. Blue Tit

    Blue Tit

  14. Minus 10 Celsius degrees

    Minus 10 Celsius degrees

  15. Blue Tit

    Blue Tit

  16. Blue Tit

    Blue Tit

  17. Blue Tit

    Blue Tit

  18. Blue Tit

    Blue Tit

  19. Blue Tit

    Blue Tit

  20. Blue Tit

    Blue Tit

  21. Blue Tit

    Blue Tit

  22. Light and Swadow

    Light and Swadow

  23. Blue tits

    Blue tits

  24. Blue tit

    Blue tit

  25. Bluie at a feeder

    Bluie at a feeder

    At several spots along a walkway bordering the reeds and woods between village, railway and river, folks had put up bird-feeders - and tables and chairs by their doorways so they could share teatimes with the birds. Passing by one evening I asked a couple what birds they saw. Mostly at the...