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  1. White-tufted Grebe

    White-tufted Grebe

    https://www.APOIA.se/bigbirdbrasil https://www.instagram.com/bigbirdbrasil/
  2. Cocoi Heron

    Cocoi Heron

    https://www.APOIA.se/bigbirdbrasil https://www.instagram.com/bigbirdbrasil/
  3. Thrush-like Wren

    Thrush-like Wren

  4. Rufous-brown Solitaire

    Rufous-brown Solitaire

  5. Pin-tailed Manakin

    Pin-tailed Manakin

  6. Rusty-collared Seedeater

    Rusty-collared Seedeater

    https://www.APOIA.se/bigbirdbrasil https://www.instagram.com/bigbirdbrasil/
  7. Coscoroba Swan

    Coscoroba Swan

    https://www.APOIA.se/bigbirdbrasil https://www.instagram.com/bigbirdbrasil/
  8. Chilean Flamingo

    Chilean Flamingo

    https://www.APOIA.se/bigbirdbrasil https://www.instagram.com/bigbirdbrasil/
  9. Southern Screamer

    Southern Screamer

    https://www.APOIA.se/bigbirdbrasil https://www.instagram.com/bigbirdbrasil/
  10. Brown-and-yellow Marshbird

    Brown-and-yellow Marshbird

    APOIA.se/bigbirdbrasil https://www.instagram.com/bigbirdbrasil/
  11. Red-crested Cardinal

    Red-crested Cardinal

    New Jalapão 2021 expedition, your contribution provides more results. https://go.hotmart.com/G54039376D?dp=1 https://www.instagram.com/bigbirdbrasil/
  12. Greyish Mourner

    Greyish Mourner

  13. Green-backed Trogon

    Green-backed Trogon

  14. Black-and-White Hawk-Eagle

    Black-and-White Hawk-Eagle

  15. Azure-shouldered Tanager

    Azure-shouldered Tanager

  16. Southern Tropical Pewee

    Southern Tropical Pewee

  17. Golden-chevroned Tanager

    Golden-chevroned Tanager

  18. Southern Rough-winged Swallow

    Southern Rough-winged Swallow

  19. House Sparrow

    House Sparrow

  20. Grey-breasted Martin

    Grey-breasted Martin

  21. Sapphire-spangled Emerald

    Sapphire-spangled Emerald

    One lovely hummer I found while birdwatching with my wife Patrícia :)
  22. Hooded Siskin (female)

    Hooded Siskin (female)

    The female now, have a good weekend everyone.
  23. Hooded Siskin (male)

    Hooded Siskin (male)

    A male Hooded Siskin, hope everyone is fine and safe :)
  24. Swallow-tailed Hummingbird

    Swallow-tailed Hummingbird

  25. Sapphire-spangled Emerald

    Sapphire-spangled Emerald
