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  1. Blue Tit with crossed bill

    Blue Tit with crossed bill

    This poor bird visited the birdtable and looking at the photos I could see that its bill was malformed - the upper & lower parts crossed over and didn't meet. Not sure how common this is.
  2. Blue tits

    Blue tits

  3. Blue tit

    Blue tit

  4. Red Kite

    Red Kite

    Taken @ Gigrin
  5. Wood Stork Welcoming you in to his home

    Wood Stork Welcoming you in to his home

    Wood Stork drying and warming himself in the sun. The look on his face is more like come on in to my house.
  6. Brown Pelican

    Brown Pelican

    Brown Pelican at Clearwater Beach Florida
  7. Female Mallard just after take-off

    Female Mallard just after take-off

  8. Little egret

    Little egret

    Taken @ Bude, Cornwall, heavily cropped.
  9. Red Kite

    Red Kite

    Taken in Wales last August 2008
  10. Red Kite ~ Milvus milvus

    Red Kite ~ Milvus milvus

    Taken last year.
  11. Jackdaw head

    Jackdaw head

    Something a bit different, this one isnt actually cropped because I did a close up digiscope.
  12. Black-tailed Godwit

    Black-tailed Godwit

    Fishtail Lagoon
  13. Dunlin


    Taken at Keyhaven on Fishtail Lagoon.
  14. Eye to the telescope

    Eye to the telescope

    Curlew Sandpipers at Keyhaven on Fishtail Lagoon.
  15. Curlew Sandpiper

    Curlew Sandpiper

    another curlew sand. still a bit recordy
  16. Curlew Sandpiper

    Curlew Sandpiper

    Fishtail lagoon, 1 of a group of 4 juveniles