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australian magpie

  1. Australian Magpie

    Australian Magpie

  2. Australian Magpie

    Australian Magpie

    Every one seemed to enjoy the call of the Grey Shrike-thrush so I've added another one. The sound of magpies greets us most mornings at the moment. A pair recently nested a tree above our kitchen window. The parents are currently wandering around the garden each being trailed by a begging...
  3. 'It;s Mine!'

    'It;s Mine!'

    Hi all.....just wanted to share an unusual sighting!...because we are having cold and miserable weather Pete and I went to Eynesbury yesterday for an hour as the sun was shining!.....when we got there LB Corellas were 'en masse' in the tree near the lake....got a few photos then as I turned to...
  4. Australian Magpie

    Australian Magpie

  5. Australian Magpie

    Australian Magpie

    This the 'Western Magpie' race dorsalis.
  6. Australian Magpie

    Australian Magpie

    Taken at King's Park in Perth, this fellow came in to share lunch with us, so was easy to get nice close-ups
  7. Magpie Chick Showering

    Magpie Chick Showering

    47 degrees c today. A welcome shower for this youngster
  8. Eagle and Maggie

    Eagle and Maggie

  9. Maggie and Eagle

    Maggie and Eagle

  10. Australian Magpie

    Australian Magpie

    These birds are all over the place but I saw most from a speeding coach or train. However there were two in a square in Christchurch. I was surprised how beautiful their call was.
  11. Australian magpie - juvenile

    Australian magpie - juvenile

    One year old Wendy is one of our favourites. We have known her since birth and she has introduced us to her kookaburra friends (see my kookaburra photo).
  12. Breakfast!


    This hungry fellow was making a big fuss until mother arrived with breakfast.
  13. Australian (White Backed) Magpie

    Australian (White Backed) Magpie

    A race found in South Australia. Taken alongside river through city centre.(Torrens).
  14. Australian Magpie

    Australian Magpie

    Juvenile Australian Magpie
  15. Another Australian Magpie

    Another Australian Magpie

    Just pruning my old Cruise pictures and I came across a couple that somehow didn't make it the first time round. The Australian Magpie is a truly magnificent bird.
  16. 'Magpie!..


    When I was down at the new patch a few weeks ago I spotted this Magpie near the houses and when I took this photo it just stayed around for a while and then flew up on to one of the balconies, quite at home!lol I liked the colouring of this and thought that I could share! Do hope you all like it!
  17. Australian Magpie

    Australian Magpie

    Western form - female
  18. It's that Magpie Again

    It's that Magpie Again

    I have posted a couple of pictures of this bird already, but here's a back view.
  19. Gymnorhina Tibicen

    Gymnorhina Tibicen

    I used to think Pica pica was my favourite bird. Now it could be Gymnorhina tibicen. They have such clear markings.
  20. A Proud Bird Walking

    A Proud Bird Walking

    These Australian birds are just like English Crows and Magpies. This one was not going to run away just because of me.
  21. Australian Magpie - Juvenile

    Australian Magpie - Juvenile

    A lucky catch, two juveniles had a bit of a tussle over this grasshopper. Unfortunately I managed to amputate a foot. I liked the background in this shot. (black backed race)
  22. Australian Magpie (Black-backed)

    Australian Magpie (Black-backed)

  23. Australian Magpie - Juvenile

    Australian Magpie - Juvenile

    This shot was taken out of my kitchen window. Every now and then I catch him resting on the veranda in the shade. Luckily I had the window open and he stayed for a few quick portrait shots. A flash would have allowed more detail to be captured, looks like I will have to start saving. This was...
  24. Australian Magpie

    Australian Magpie

    Another bird I enjoy photographing, another portrait shot I liked. There were 6 of these living near where we were staying on the weekend. This particular bird and his mate had two young that were very demanding, we had quite a few hours enjoyment watching him feeding the young.This is the black...
  25. 'Powder Puff!'

    'Powder Puff!'

    I have been only able to view a few posts so please forgive me if I haven't made comments but my network is giving me trouble again! However I did want to share this with you all! Pete and I were on our travels the other day looking for the Crimson Rosellas and we stopped near where I had got my...