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Peregrines Poisoned. (1 Viewer)

Why does this keep happening? There seems to be one story after another. I think the last one I read was an Eagle poisoned.

There has to be a way to stop this happening again. These stories need to be publicised by someone famous outside of the Birding community. I don't know, a famous Actor, Footballer, someone who the Public will get behind. Then the Government might actually listen.
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Well this story is being publicised beyond the birding community (not by celebs, admittedly).

The link I posted is to the main evening paper in the area. It's also front page on the Sunderland paper - both covering the area where the incident happened. It's also on the local Ceefax and Teletext pages.

Given the area that this poisoning happened, I'm guessing that racing pigeons may not be too far away from the motive of the poisoner, but that's purely supposition on my part.
Well this story is being publicised beyond the birding community (not by celebs, admittedly).

The link I posted is to the main evening paper in the area. It's also front page on the Sunderland paper - both covering the area where the incident happened. It's also on the local Ceefax and Teletext pages.

Well I guess that's a start, let's hope the story doesn't disappear too quickly.

Given the area that this poisoning happened, I'm guessing that racing pigeons may not be too far away from the motive of the poisoner, but that's purely supposition on my part.

Yes, I suppose that's not too much of a stretch, but I'd need to know more to comment. TBH I don't care who did it, I just want them caught and punished, and others to be deterred.(I know, fat chance)

I really am running out of things to say about these stories, it's so frustrating. I say similar things, but nothing changes.
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Every time a story like this appears I print the news item web page and add it to a pile on my office "kitchen" table along with an RSPB "Stop killing birds of prey" pledge card.

The pile of news items is getting pretty hefty......|=@|
A female Peregrine here in the Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire has been found shot this month according to the local paper. The male is missing and there may have been chicks orphaned. Not a good run for the raptors this last few weeks.:-C The police and the RSPB have launched an investigation.
A female Peregrine here in the Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire has been found shot this month according to the local paper. The male is missing and there may have been chicks orphaned. Not a good run for the raptors this last few weeks.:-C The police and the RSPB have launched an investigation.

I hate to hear of all this cruelty going around. Sometimes I think it is one group of people doing the rounds to bloster there own 'tiny' egos. They see it as a sport, place bets and travel the country to do their horrible little deeds :C:C:C:C:C:C

Grrr to them, and their nasty little ways.
Over on another wildlife forum a bunch of raptor-hating numpties have popped up with a petition asking for the 'control' of raptors in the name of 'protecting songbirds', not the so-called 'Songbird Survival' group, but another lot. Needless to say they are being met with incredulity and opposition. They seem to be a disparate group of pigeon fanciers and other 'vested interests' who will not accept any of the actual reasons for small bird decline, they just want to get rid of raptors.

I hope they don't find their way over here with their damaging and irresponsible nonsense.
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Over on another wildlife forum a bunch of raptor-hating numpties have popped up with a petition asking for the 'control' of raptors in the name of 'protecting songbirds', not the so-called 'Songbird Survival' group, but another lot. Needless to say they are being met with incredulity and opposition. They seem to be a disparate group of pigeon fanciers and other 'vested interests' who will not accept any of the actual reasons for small bird decline, they just want to get rid of raptors.

I hope they don't find their way over here with their damaging and irresponsible nonsense.

I suspect that they'll receive the customary "warm" reception if they do :-O
Over on another wildlife forum a bunch of raptor-hating numpties have popped up with a petition asking for the 'control' of raptors in the name of 'protecting songbirds', not the so-called 'Songbird Survival' group, but another lot. Needless to say they are being met with incredulity and opposition. They seem to be a disparate group of pigeon fanciers and other 'vested interests' who will not accept any of the actual reasons for small bird decline, they just want to get rid of raptors.

I hope they don't find their way over here with their damaging and irresponsible nonsense.


Typical :C

These numpties are using the Songbirds as an excuse to cover up their raptor hating little ways :-C

Just blame the songbirds - how brainless can you get. They need to get their facts right. It just shows how little they know about the natural world and the eco system.

I suppose that is what 'Ladbrokes', do to your brains. :C
Please Pledge

Dear BF,

Below is the text from an email sent by the RSPB to a selection of its membership. The response was so overwhelming it caused technical problems ! Please if you have not signed the pledge then do so NOW.


Dear Supporter

I've had to take dead birds to the vets many times before, but this time I had a real sinking feeling. Minutes after handing over the limp corpse I was staring at an X-ray, which confirmed my worst fears.

I could see 11 pieces of gunshot in what had been a magnificent, female peregrine. She had been slaughtered – most probably on her nest. The inscribed metal ring on her leg gave a tiny insight into her life. She hatched seven years ago in Shropshire and, at the time of her death, was in her prime. Quite probably, she had chicks that depended on her and will now starve.

I felt sick and disgusted. How can people stoop so low?

2009 has been a terrible year for cowardly crimes against birds of prey, including eagles and peregrines.

With your help, we can stop this illegal killing.

Sign a pledge now to save our birds of prey.

I work in the RSPB's Investigations team and this has been one of the worst years I can remember.

In the last few weeks, barely a day has gone by without us getting a call about peregrine persecution and other crimes against birds of prey. It's shocking that in the 21st century, these fabulous birds are still routinely shot, trapped and poisoned.

Only a few days ago, one of my colleagues in Scotland went to investigate a dead golden eagle found in Argyll. The police suspect that it was illegally poisoned, using a bait with a very toxic chemical.

I'm desperate for the peregrine and golden eagle deaths not to be mere grisly statistics.

With your support, we can demonstrate to government that we will not tolerate these crimes and put an end to them.

Please sign the RSPB's birds of prey pledge now and help us stop the killing.


Thank you so much.

Mark Thomas
Investigations Unit

PS For more about peregrine persecution, including a photo of the dead female, see here.

My dad was once told by a Fishery Bailiff many years ago that he had killed Harriers/Falcons to protect songbirds,

D!CKHEAD was my dad's reply.

These people are scum, let Death and Distruction fall upon them all.

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