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  1. Jane Turner

    Atlas listing

    I have a cattle egret following cattle between two of my tetrads just now.... Which was nice. I can see the heads of the cows... but alas not the ground, from home. Its tempting to spend all day looking in the hope it flies!
  2. Jane Turner

    Atlas listing

    I've just done my home tetrad for the 2nd time. 47 species, the only surprise being a Snow Bunting. Compensation for the Stonechats being 5' the wrong side of the tetrad boundary (you watch them being back here when I do the other tetrad's TTV). Peregrine also sat just out of range. Got my...
  3. Jane Turner

    Atlas listing

    I added Chiffchaff from my home tetrad today - when showing my daughter the joys of pishing Long-tailed tits!
  4. Jane Turner

    Atlas listing

    Nor do I!
  5. Jane Turner

    Atlas listing

    er sorry - I don't know. Try entering as a Roving report and see what happens!
  6. Jane Turner

    Atlas listing

    You can add counts on Roving reports now.
  7. Jane Turner

    Atlas listing

    I had an entertaining but damp couple of hours exploring a new tetrad this week. I attracted the attentions of some young heffers/bullocks that got a little too close for comfort on a number of occasions. I also gathered a large herd of cows (200) on a bat survey in a different area in the...