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Search results

  1. J

    Dunlin ? South of France

    Hello, Is this a Dunlin amongst the Grey Plovers ? With the rufous upperparts and black belly.
  2. J

    Warblers, South of France

    I mean on these pictures, what features rule out Marsh ?
  3. J

    Warblers, South of France

    I hope so ! But what about Marsh Warbler ? Seems like they are hard to separate from Reed when bird are silent.
  4. J

    Warblers, South of France

    Thanks ! I am going to ask the obvious but on picture 4) and 7-8-9), where we can see some details, why not Marsh or even Savi's for example ? Just trying to learn. I read that Savi's has pinkish legs, so is the dark legs on these picture enough to rule out Savi's ? Maybe it should also show...
  5. J

    Warblers, South of France

    5-6) Same bird. 7-8-9) Same bird.
  6. J

    Warblers, South of France

    Hello, Still struggling with this kind of warblers...Are these just all Reed Warblers ? Seen on september 2nd. 1-2) Same bird 3-4) Same bird
  7. J

    Shelduck ?

    Hello, Is this a Shelduck ? Seen in the south of France on september 2nd.
  8. J

    Bar or Blacl Tailed Godwit ? South of France

    Hello, My first encounter with godwits. 1 and 2 are two different birds. Third picture shows both of them. Seems like I can see a black and white tail, and the tibia are somewhat long. But the strong supercilium of one of the bird bothers me.
  9. J

    Raptors, south of France

    And one hour earlier, we saw this busard, a few hundreds meter away. I don't think it is the same bird (based on the damaged primary).
  10. J

    Raptors, south of France

    Here are 4 new photos from my friend.
  11. J

    Raptors, south of France

    We saw it in la Plaine de Crau, which is a dry and rocky plain. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crau
  12. J

    Raptors, south of France

    I would have never thought 3) was a Sparrowhawk... Great thing I asked for the harrier. I was just gonna call it a Montagu's because it is much more common in this area. I am going to ask a friend, he might have better photos.
  13. J

    Skylark or Woodlark ? South of France

    Great thank you ! Finally found the Wood Lark :)
  14. J

    Raptors, south of France

    You mean #3 I guess. This bird was gliding very high in the sky.
  15. J

    Raptors, south of France

    Here is another picture for the harrier that I overexposed.
  16. J

    Skylark or Woodlark ? South of France

    Hello, These larks were seen in the south of France on september 1st. I know they have different tail length but I can't really assess that.. 1-2) Same bird. Skylark ? 3-4-5) Same flock. Seems like I can see the pale-dark-pale patter, leading to Woodlark ?
  17. J

    Raptors, south of France

    Hello, Two raptors seen in the south of France on september 5th. 1-2) Montagu's Harrier ? 3) Really crappy photo...Is it possible to give id just based on shape ? This bird was seen in Les Alpilles.
  18. J

    Terns, South of France

    What are the criteria for 2) ?
  19. J

    Waders, South of France

    Here is a flight picture of 4).
  20. J

    Waders, South of France

    Great, thank you !
  21. J

    Terns, South of France

    Hello, Some Terns from the South of France (Camargue) seen on august 31st. 1) Black or Whiskered Tern ? 2) Common Tern ? 3) Common Tern ? 4) Whiskered Tern ?
  22. J

    Waders, South of France

    Hello everyone, More waders from the south of France (Camargue) seen on august 31st. 1) Grey Plover ? 2)2 Greenshanks with different postures ? 3) 2 Wood Sandpipers ? 4) Marsh Sandpiper ?
  23. J

    Sanderlings ? South of France

    Thank you everyone for your explanation. I have to admit description such as short legged, more elongated, or chunkier, are not easy to visualize when you have no reference/experience. Hope it will come with time !
  24. J

    Sanderlings ? South of France

    Thank you ! Withtout the size comparison, how would you make the difference betwwen Little Stint from Sanderling ?