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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.

Wilderness Island - BirdForum Opus

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England, London


A small wooded island in the care of the London Wildlife Trust. There is a variety of habitats consisting of woodland, river, pond and meadow.


Notable Species

All three species of woodpecker have been seen, though only Great Spotted Woodpecker breeds at this site. Common Moorhen, Little Grebe and Common Kingfisher can all be seen on the river.


To do


Birds you can see here include:

To do

Other Wildlife

The rare Hornet Clearwing Moth can be seen on the Black Poplar tree and there are other species of moths and butterflies, including Speckled Wood, Holly Blue and Comma.

Site Information

History and Use

To do

Areas of Interest

To do

Access and Facilities

Mill Lane, Hackbridge
Greater London

Grid Reference: TQ282653

Contact Details

Tel: 020 8669 7421

External Links
