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White-bellied Storm Petrel - BirdForum Opus

Photo by fdvn
13 n miles East of Noosa, Queensland, Australia, June 2007
Fregetta grallaria


Square cut tail, white forehead, face and underparts, broad dark mark through the eye, dark grey upperparts. Various colour phases have been observed, including a dark phase, having sooty plumage, with only the rump and belly showing white.


Angola, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, French Polynesia, French Southern Territories, Maldives, Namibia, New Zealand, Saint Helena, South Africa, and South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands.


Four subspecies recognized:

F. g. grallaria - Admiralty Islands, Lord Howe Island and The Kermadecs.

F. g. leucogaster - Tristan da Cunha Group, Gough Island and St Paul Island.

F. g. segethi - Juan Fernandez Islands.

F. g. titan - Rapa Island in the Austral Group.


Open seas.


The nest consists of a chamber usually located amongst large rocks.

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