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Wetar Figbird - BirdForum Opus

Photo © by Mark Harper
Wetar, Indonesia, 15 October 2018
Sphecotheres hypoleucus


26 cm.


  • Pink or orange-red bare skin around eye
  • Black head, neck and upper mantle
  • Olive-green rest of upperparts faintly streaked
  • Dark upperwings, secondaries, tertials and upperwing-coverts with greenish-yellow edging
  • Dark tail
  • White chin to belly, some olive-green on flanks
  • Black bill


  • Bluish-grey to dark green bare skin around eye
  • Brown upperparts, darker streaked on crown and upper mantle
  • Olive-green rump
  • Dark wings, secondaries edged greenish
  • Dark brown tail
  • Buff-white throat and underparts heavily streaked dark brown

Immatures are similar to females but less boldly marked.


Wetar Island in the eastern Lesser Sundas, Indonesia.
A restricted-range species, still common in suitable habitat.


This is a monotypic species.
Has been considered conspecific with Green Figbird and Australasian Figbird.


Deciduous monsoon forest, woodland and scrub.
Mostly found in the northwest of the island.


No information about diet or breeding.
Presumably a resident species.


  1. Clements, J. F., T. S. Schulenberg, M. J. Iliff, T. A. Fredericks, J. A. Gerbracht, D. Lepage, S. M. Billerman, B. L. Sullivan, and C. L. Wood. 2022. The eBird/Clements checklist of Birds of the World: v2022. Downloaded from https://www.birds.cornell.edu/clementschecklist/download/
  2. Del Hoyo, J, A Elliott, and D Christie, eds. 2008. Handbook of the Birds of the World. Volume 13: Penduline-tits to Shrikes. Barcelona: Lynx Edicions. ISBN 978-8496553453

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