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Rufous-bellied Tit - BirdForum Opus

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Melaniparus rufiventris

Includes Cinnamon-breasted Tit

Photo by safariranger
Photo taken: Mutinondo Wilderness, Zambia


15 cm. Black head, breast, wings and tail, grey upperparts, white fringes to the wing feathers, and rufous underparts. The adult has a yellow eye, brown in the duller juvenile.


Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo and northern Namibia east to Tanzania and northern Mozambique.


Three subspecies recognized:

  • M. r. rufiventris
  • M. r. masukuensis
  • M. r. pallidiventris

Pallidiventris is sometimes split as Cinnamon-breasted Tit.
Formerly placed in genus Parus.


Dry miombo forests.


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