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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.

Papuan Frogmouth - BirdForum Opus

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Photo by mehdhalaouate
Location: Indonesia
Podargus papuensis


50-60 cm. Bulbous bill, red eye, cream eyebrow, long tail and dark wings; male marbled in appearance, larger and darker, upperparts patterned, underparts brown-grey with white spots, bars and black streaks.




Rainforests, mangroves and dense riparian vegetation.


Its nest is a small flat structure of twigs placed in an upright fork of a tree up to 10m from the ground. 1-2 white eggs laid.]])

(Adult with chick)
Photo by Tristan Norton
Daintree River, Queensland, November, 2009

It feeds at night; diet includes insects, frogs, small rodents and lizards.

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