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Nicobar Pigeon - BirdForum Opus

Caloenas nicobarica
Photo by birte


40cm. Metallic green with green and copper on the neck. Dark grey head and upper neck, flight feathers and breast. Very short, white tail. There is a black knob on the base of the bill, dark red legs. Females are slightly smaller than males; they have a smaller bill knob, and browner underparts. Immature birds have a black tail.


Various offshore islands from the Nicobars to Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, New Guinea, the Solomon Islands and Palau.


It is the only living member of the genus Caloenas.


Off shore islets; forest


It flies in flocks from island to island, including inhabited sites

Diet includes seeds, fruit and some invertebrates, and is attracted to areas where grain is available.

It nests in dense forest, building a stick nest in a tree and laying one elliptical, faintly blue-tinged white egg.

External Links

GSearch checked for 2020 platform.
