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Category:Phaeprogne - BirdForum Opus

Genus: Phaeprogne


This genus is no longer accepted. Its only former member, the Brown-chested Martin is now usually placed in Progne.


Phaeprogne is a genus in the Family Hirundinidae.

The decision to place Brown-chested Martin in either Progne or Phaeprogne is somewhat arbitrary. The arguments for Phaeprogne are: less forked tail, more slender bill, less sexual dimorphism, higher degree of tarsus feathering, and overall differences in coloration. The results of DNA testing are compatible both with inclusion in Progne or placement in Phaeprogne. One important argument for keeping Brown-chested Martin in Progne is stability, arguing that any change should be supported by strong arguments and if not, status quo should be maintained.


  1. SACC baseline read September 2009

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