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An open question for those who have tried it (not the old BGA HD, but the "new" 8x32 BGA VHD)
A bit of background (I’ve read the reviews by Steve C and Troubador, and everything in between).
I really like 8x32, for non-IS use it is by far my most used configuration (I just don’t see the point of 8x42: weight and size are important to me, and if I want low light performance, I simply prefer to go all the way with bigger eyes, like 10x50, 8x56 etc.). For the last 3 years my main 8x32 has been the EL SV, which I ended up getting after a long quest (UVHD, FL, B1, Conquest HD, CL-B).
However, for the last two years I’ve been using a bigger 12x36, so when I go 8x32 it usually means I want to go light, so it turns out I end up using the Opticron Traveller ED 8x32 more than the Swarovski (such is life). I simply LOVE the form factor of the Traveller, and so did I with the Nikon Monarch 7 8x30 I had for a while. It simply fits my hands perfectly. So for quite a while now I’ve been searching in that direction.
I’ve tried different flavours of the 8x30 recipe:

How does it fare against a Zeiss Conquest HD 8x32 or a Nikon MHG or a Meostar B1? Is it more like a Monarch 7-M7 or Vortex Viper? (to name a few very well known models) Where would you place it in the scale of quality 8x32 models? One model I have never tried is the Maven B3, it's not that easy to get over here in the EU (well, I'm talking about import taxes, which would place it in a compromised position), by most accounts it has gathered a lot of praise.
You can find the Verano for nice prices these days, and it surely looks like a very interesting proposal.
Thank you for any input, opinion or experience.
A bit of background (I’ve read the reviews by Steve C and Troubador, and everything in between).
I really like 8x32, for non-IS use it is by far my most used configuration (I just don’t see the point of 8x42: weight and size are important to me, and if I want low light performance, I simply prefer to go all the way with bigger eyes, like 10x50, 8x56 etc.). For the last 3 years my main 8x32 has been the EL SV, which I ended up getting after a long quest (UVHD, FL, B1, Conquest HD, CL-B).
However, for the last two years I’ve been using a bigger 12x36, so when I go 8x32 it usually means I want to go light, so it turns out I end up using the Opticron Traveller ED 8x32 more than the Swarovski (such is life). I simply LOVE the form factor of the Traveller, and so did I with the Nikon Monarch 7 8x30 I had for a while. It simply fits my hands perfectly. So for quite a while now I’ve been searching in that direction.
I’ve tried different flavours of the 8x30 recipe:
- Swaro CL-B: too narrow eyecups
- Kite Lynx HD+: very nice, I could see a slight improvement over the Traveller, but I preferred the handling of the Opticron, and didn’t think the Kite could justify the price.
- Nikon MHG 8x30. When I heard about it, the heaven opened above my head… buy I tried it several times and I couldn’t live with the blackouts (mind you I really enjoyed its smaller sibling the Monarch 7, so it’s kind of weird). I walked into the shop “with the money in min hand” ready (eager!) to buy it… but I left empty handed.
- SFL - The last “heavens open” moment has been the launch of the 8x30 Zess SFL. On paper, it’s just it: it seems it can be THE model to help me “merge” my two favourite 8x32 (ELSV and Traveller) in one.

- However, I’ve tried it in 8x30 and it left me a bit cold. The view was fantastic, I could see an improvement over the Traveller (as is to be expected), the contrast, the depth, very very nice. But I just “didn’t understand” the handling, the focuser to be precise. I’m sure it works beautifully with the 8x40, as it surely does in the 42 mm SF, but I simply don’t see any advantage on the 8x30 SFL focus over the focus on the Traveller… actually I found it awkward, forcing me to use the middle finger and feeling basically unnatural. Personally, the sense of “fit” is crucial for my taste in binoculars, an ever more so in a small binocular you carry with you everywhere, on long days out, be it hiking or whatever, the “tactile” experience of such a model has to be more than good. Here is where I simply have to take my hat off to Opticron: I find the Traveller simply perfect: the size, shape and texture of the rubber is just brilliant (for the price, and even forgetting about the price). Ultimately, the SFL 8x30 left me with many doubts, I simply didn’t feel “I want to own this device and use it for many hours”, which is a weird feeling when facing the purchase of what is supposed to be the binocular of your dreams.
How does it fare against a Zeiss Conquest HD 8x32 or a Nikon MHG or a Meostar B1? Is it more like a Monarch 7-M7 or Vortex Viper? (to name a few very well known models) Where would you place it in the scale of quality 8x32 models? One model I have never tried is the Maven B3, it's not that easy to get over here in the EU (well, I'm talking about import taxes, which would place it in a compromised position), by most accounts it has gathered a lot of praise.
You can find the Verano for nice prices these days, and it surely looks like a very interesting proposal.
Thank you for any input, opinion or experience.
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