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Multimedia Identification Guide to North Atlantic Seabirds: Shearwaters: Jouanin's & (2 Viewers)

You know more about books than most Andy, but do places like NHBS work 7 days a week, 24 hours a day? My point is having seen the photos on Twitter of Bob packing books up this weekend there is a chance that people who bought directly will get them before people who ordered via other sources?
Although posting from Scilly may add a day?

I'd have hoped, that other sellers e.g Wildsounds where I get most of my books, would have already received their allotment from Bob and would be distributing as he is. I don't think NHBS work weekends but I know Wildsounds have in the past, probably dependant on workload?

It's a very competitive business with very small margins so it's a good idea to keep your customers happy!
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I wondered, as they are printed on the mainland, if batches would have been sent directly to people like Wildsounds,
Can’t wait to see it!

That's what I'd have expected.

I may, were I Bob, have also considered appointing a mainland distribution agent, NHBS or Wild sounds. I know margins are tight and sending boxes of books to the Scillies and posting out from there, won't be cheap but they must know what they're doing by now.
Yes lots have already. Bob did say on Twitter that they were being posted in the order in which they were ordered. And I suspect lots of people ordered early,

Thanks James,
disappointed by that though, I'm used to being top of most alphabetical lists ;)

I ordered mine a very long time ago but was only billed about a month ago.

Edit: Mine has literally, just come through my letterbox B :)
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My copy arrived this afternoon. Very impressive book, but I am at a loss to know what to with the 'memory stick' thingy, the like of which I have never seen before. Not at all what I was expecting.
Neither of my laptops, one old but one new this year, has any suitable slot to stick it in. Presumably I have to buy some sort of adapter do I?

the raised section, lifts and folds out (on the side with the bird, lift from above the forehead) and will insert in to a USB port.
the raised section, lifts and folds out (on the side with the bird, lift from above the forehead) and will insert in to a USB port.

So it does.
I had no idea what to do with it, and neither did Bob Flood when he received them. He had to find out from the manufacturers. He sent me a short video clip showing how it works. Easy when you know how.

So it does.
I had no idea what to do with it, and neither did Bob Flood when he received them. He had to find out from the manufacturers. He sent me a short video clip showing how it works. Easy when you know how.


I'll be honest Steve, neither did I but my wife is au fait with this stuff through work.
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