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The soon to be G9 (3 Viewers)

"If I was casually shooting sports, with the intent on getting a few good keepers, I’d bring the G9 along. If a publication hired me to document a basketball game, I’d reach for a camera with phase detect AF."

Panasonic Lumix DC-G9 Shooting Experience


Seems that the panasonic focusing system is still struggling a bit with moving subjects/hit rate

It seems both Olympus and Panasonic’s latest systems still lag behind dslr phase detect AF for CAF, but to be honest I wasn’t expecting a massive breakthrough - I have found the G80 with 100-400 a far easier combo to get bif than my previous G7 + 100-300 combo, and if the G9 betters the G80 it would be easily good enough for my needs!

A lot of my bird photography is of stationary birds, or slightly moving on the ground/in water, so contrast AF actually can give a bit of an edge for that re. speed and accuracy - but the improvements in CDAF do give me more confidence to attempt flight shots - but if they were my bread and butter, and I didn’t mind bigger kit, I would go the dslr route under current technology - I do like smaller telephoto lenses however, hence still firmly a m43 user :t:

As CDAF is software based there is always hope that new algorithms will speed it up further for tracking etc, so while the G9 is Panasonic’s flagship stills model, hopefully they will come up with something new and release via firmware.
It was obvious a lot of hype was involved but as said its part of a system and way of working,i do feel Nikon stand a chance of bringing an upgrade to AFC when they launch.
Interestingly a mirrorless lens patent Nikon has just registered is for a sensor with a 2x crop, cant see them getting into m4/3 though.
It seems both Olympus and Panasonic’s latest systems still lag behind dslr phase detect AF for CAF, but to be honest I wasn’t expecting a massive breakthrough - I have found the G80 with 100-400 a far easier combo to get bif than my previous G7 + 100-300 combo, and if the G9 betters the G80 it would be easily good enough for my needs!

A lot of my bird photography is of stationary birds, or slightly moving on the ground/in water, so contrast AF actually can give a bit of an edge for that re. speed and accuracy - but the improvements in CDAF do give me more confidence to attempt flight shots - but if they were my bread and butter, and I didn’t mind bigger kit, I would go the dslr route under current technology - I do like smaller telephoto lenses however, hence still firmly a m43 user :t:

As CDAF is software based there is always hope that new algorithms will speed it up further for tracking etc, so while the G9 is Panasonic’s flagship stills model, hopefully they will come up with something new and release via firmware.

G80+100-400 is a bit tempting, but the light around here is not always the best. It's often a struggle even at f4 and ISO3200 on full frame.
BUT it would be nice to have something lighter since I'm a bit tired of lugging heavy gear around.

Interesting to see if G9 AF is even better than the G80.
6k photo etc. might be pretty useful as well.
I also like that the G9 design is more close to other DSLR:s:

*On/Off switch around the shutter release button
*LCD top display
*Mode dial on the left
*Larger grip

G80 seems to be a bit better value for money though.
And GH5 have better video capabilities (4k, 60p, 10 bit).
I have seen a fair bit saying the G9 would be more than enough video wise for a most people, as would the G80, with the GH5 possibly more suited to those heavily into films, maybe even at a pro level - Gordon Laing’s latest youtube video even goes into this point.

I am keen to try the 6K modes, but only if the focus is a bit snappier than that of the G80 in 4K mode - possibly more attractive is the pre burst mode with raw files - but all to be tested in real life situations in the wild before we know full capabilities.

As with all systems we have to decide which compromise suits us best - I am rarely blessed with good light also, and acknowledge I need to be close to the subject for best results, meaning the light levels don’t play as big a part in my results as I think: it is my at distance, record shots, that suffer most with the poor light, which as you say is also a struggle with full frame!
I have seen a fair bit saying the G9 would be more than enough video wise for a most people, as would the G80, with the GH5 possibly more suited to those heavily into films, maybe even at a pro level - Gordon Laing’s latest youtube video even goes into this point.

Yes perhaps, if you're not addicted to super-slow-motion (180p) or doing color grading in post (for me the video features would be equally important as stills, better video is a main reason for getting into MFT). The GH5 also have dropped a lot in price lately, so it's actually cheaper now than the upcoming G9 (at expected price). Not sure if the price-drop is permanent though.

Better AF would be a reason for the G9. G9 also has 4k/60p which I thought it was lacking.

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Yes perhaps, if you're not addicted to super-slow-motion (180p) or doing color grading in post (for me the video features would be equally important as stills, better video is a main reason for getting into MFT). The GH5 also have dropped a lot in price lately, so it's actually cheaper now than the upcoming G9 (at expected price). Not sure if the price-drop is permanent though.

Better AF would be a reason for the G9. G9 also has 4k/60p which I thought it was lacking.


If you are that video centric and with birds never showing where light is plentyfull, maybe your target should be the GH5s?

If you are that video centric and with birds never showing where light is plentyfull, maybe your target should be the GH5s?


Almost forgot that one, rumor seems pretty confirmed now?

Might explain the sudden price-drop in the current GH5.

Even more options to consider...:eek!::-O
We have to remember there are a lot of people reviewing this camera that have their own agenda, some if you read between the lines, are in fear that they will have a lot of outdated gear in a few years.
In the end it will not be if mirrorless is better or worse it will be driven by the production of gear from Nikon/Canon ect.
We have to remember there are a lot of people reviewing this camera that have their own agenda, some if you read between the lines, are in fear that they will have a lot of outdated gear in a few years.
In the end it will not be if mirrorless is better or worse it will be driven by the production of gear from Nikon/Canon ect.

On a positive note, look at which level of Nikon camera they now have to reach for to say the AF is better. 5000 series and 7000 series cameras are no longer mentioned, it is now the actual top models that are mentioned as better. This is a very different situation from a few years ago, where the verdict was that Lumix performance was approaching the bottom tier of dSLR.

Leica 200/2.8 DG Elmarit sets a new resolution record on "Lens tip" web site. No complaints other than that AF is be less accurate on (some?) Olympus bodies than on Panasonic bodies. (Possible firmware updates from Olympus?).


"Very long list of advantages and only one drawback. Sometimes annoying, but only one and to minimize if we use Panasonic's bodies. The effect can be only one, i.e. the distinction "Optyczne.pl editorial choice".

And to make our summary not too short, I will just add that I have not tested such a well-corrected lens for a long time, which gives resolution records from the maximum relative aperture and does not record even one small optical decay. I hope there will be more such instruments on the market."

Hopefully there will be an english version of the review soon.
Most (or almost all?) of the review seems to be done on the Olympus E-M5 II.
No test shots with the 20MP G9 was a bit disappointing.
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Was just about to do the same (G80) but holding off a bit since according to some initial info:

- Autofocus improved (lets see if the reviews confirm)
- USB Charging and Powering
- Big EVF

Is it worth another US$900? Maybe from my perspective if CAF+Tracking actually works.

Well...all of the above points seem to be true together with several other incremental improvements. Finally decided to go with the G9 over the G85 but it was a very tough decision since the G85 gives about 80% functionality at 50% price and also I’m not used to the larger size of the G9 which hopefully won’t be a big issue. Think overall it’s a significant improvement from my current EM5 Mk1 which has been showing it’s age recently with a few niggling issues and was especially challenging with BIF focusing (my FZ300 did a far better job with BIF).

In 2 weeks will be shooting with the G9+100-400 combo. Back to peanut butter and bread for a while.
Well...all of the above points seem to be true together with several other incremental improvements. Finally decided to go with the G9 over the G85 but it was a very tough decision since the G85 gives about 80% functionality at 50% price and also I’m not used to the larger size of the G9 which hopefully won’t be a big issue. Think overall it’s a significant improvement from my current EM5 Mk1 which has been showing it’s age recently with a few niggling issues and was especially challenging with BIF focusing (my FZ300 did a far better job with BIF).

In 2 weeks will be shooting with the G9+100-400 combo. Back to peanut butter and bread for a while.

Nice one,look forward to your thoughts on it.
I am also curious how you will be getting along. Having used the G85 extensively, I have had a few cases were the AF was less than stellar: the main thing was a dark bird in dark environs surrounded by more pale areas. The only shots I got of a forest falcon were the one time I manually focused. Even after that, the next shutter press I did not get focus because the AF went away from the point of Focus and could not get back.

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