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IPhone problem (1 Viewer)


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I have a problem lately. When I leave my phone lying around for a while (e.g., over night), it forgets the connection to wifi and goes back to doing data via the phone provider. This is irritating because I am cheap and do not load that much data into the phone. I am also cheap in the sense that this is an old iphone 6, so not exactly latest model.
When looking at info for my home wifi, it is set to connect automatically. It just does not.
I have a problem lately. When I leave my phone lying around for a while (e.g., over night), it forgets the connection to wifi and goes back to doing data via the phone provider. This is irritating because I am cheap and do not load that much data into the phone. I am also cheap in the sense that this is an old iphone 6, so not exactly latest model.
When looking at info for my home wifi, it is set to connect automatically. It just does not.
Hi Niels. Could it be the signal from the router isn’t strong enough? We’ve just had a booster fitted as Netflix kept dropping out upstairs. And I think the same was happening with my phone. Just a guess mind as I’m useless with technology.
apple products have a short life span (usually 10 years) before they cannot be updated. might be worth updating the phone
Same here, Rich - we had a booster fitted on the landing as the wifi signal was sporadic in our bedroom as it is as far away from the router as possible. That solved the problem.
Thanks all,
It is usually overnight in the kitchen (when I sleep I do not want it near me, I want to sleep :) ). We have a range booster in that same room.

Regarding updating the phone - I cannot get the latest version of the OS, but I do get security updates still.
I now have inactivated the Wifi assist. However, I was today sitting at my PC when the wifi fell out for a short period (half a minute max), The problem really seems to be the phone not auto-joining the wifi after such an outage, even though I have the setting set to active to do so for my home Wifi. I had to manually join again.
apple products have a short life span (usually 10 years) before they cannot be updated. might be worth updating the phone

While I also dislike the fact that products don't always last forever, this is an interesting comment given that Apple supports it's phones longer than nearly all other manufacturers (6-8 years typically). Major Android vendors only support the phones for 5 years from launch (and only 4 years for OS updates, the last year is security updates only). I can complain about both Apple and Android and am not trying to make any arguments about which is better, just pointing out that if you dislike Apple for short lifespans, you probably will like the others even less :)
I now have inactivated the Wifi assist. However, I was today sitting at my PC when the wifi fell out for a short period (half a minute max), The problem really seems to be the phone not auto-joining the wifi after such an outage, even though I have the setting set to active to do so for my home Wifi. I had to manually join again.

We can assume that shy of hardware problems / your phone really reaching end of life, it's unlikely anything has changed with the phone. I would use that as the starting point, logically, if this were my problem.

  • I would look at your router, if it is stable, and if it needs updates.
  • I would also turn off newer WIFI technologies / options on your router if you can, 1 at a time, to see if you can find a fix.

I had problems getting my bike computer to connect to our home wifi. After struggling quite a bit and very little fruitful research, I figured out that it is because our home router was combining the 2.4 and 5.0 ghz channels into one SSID and depending on the device to use a newer wifi technology to sort this out, which my bike computer could not do. I turned the router combined SSIDs option off and now we have two separate channels and you have to choose which to connect to and/or enter passwords for both if you want access to both. This was the fix that my bike computer needed. It also had the benefit of making my connection for my laptop stable in the furthest room from the router. Previously the laptop would presumably try to use 5.0ghz but that doesn't pass through stone walls as well and then would become unstable. Now that I can force it to 2.4ghz it works happily in the furthest room.

I know that's not exactly the problem you're having but I mention it in terms of interoperability of newer and older wifi devices...

Good luck.
While I also dislike the fact that products don't always last forever, this is an interesting comment given that Apple supports it's phones longer than nearly all other manufacturers (6-8 years typically). Major Android vendors only support the phones for 5 years from launch (and only 4 years for OS updates, the last year is security updates only). I can complain about both Apple and Android and am not trying to make any arguments about which is better, just pointing out that if you dislike Apple for short lifespans, you probably will like the others even less :)
Seems just about right. I bought my Iphone 6 in 2015 I believe (supposedly announced fall of 2014), and it is running IOS 15 (contrary to something on the web stating Iphone 6 was limited to IOS12). There is an update ready to install, so still supported.
We can assume that shy of hardware problems / your phone really reaching end of life, it's unlikely anything has changed with the phone. I would use that as the starting point, logically, if this were my problem.

  • I would look at your router, if it is stable, and if it needs updates.
  • I would also turn off newer WIFI technologies / options on your router if you can, 1 at a time, to see if you can find a fix.

I had problems getting my bike computer to connect to our home wifi. After struggling quite a bit and very little fruitful research, I figured out that it is because our home router was combining the 2.4 and 5.0 ghz channels into one SSID and depending on the device to use a newer wifi technology to sort this out, which my bike computer could not do. I turned the router combined SSIDs option off and now we have two separate channels and you have to choose which to connect to and/or enter passwords for both if you want access to both. This was the fix that my bike computer needed. It also had the benefit of making my connection for my laptop stable in the furthest room from the router. Previously the laptop would presumably try to use 5.0ghz but that doesn't pass through stone walls as well and then would become unstable. Now that I can force it to 2.4ghz it works happily in the furthest room.

I know that's not exactly the problem you're having but I mention it in terms of interoperability of newer and older wifi devices...

Good luck.
Thanks. My router-extender already sends out separate signals for the two bands, with separate log on to each.
Have you tried the Apple forums for advice, Niels?
I finally found something possibly useful. I was able to do a reset of Wifi only, which therefore also means I had to enter my wifi password again (and will have to do the same every time I visit a different wifi even if I have been there before). I did that yesterday, and this morning, the wifi icon was still visible. Whether this truly was the necessary fix or if it just was a lucky night remains to be seen.
That seems to have been what was necessary. A lucky side effect is that the battery life of the phone has increased, more like what it was a couple of years ago.

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