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Least Tern - BirdForum Opus

Revision as of 23:16, 24 April 2007 by Birderbf (talk | contribs)
Sterna antillarum
Photo by John Dempsey


A very small species of tern, at only 9" it is very noticeably smaller than other North American beach terns. In breeding plumage, acquires a yellow beak, often with a tiny black tip. The bird's crisp black head pattern becomes less sharp in the nonbreeding season. Breeding adults have a pure light gray wing except for the outermost two primaries, which are black.

Photographed in Cuba


Very aggresive in breeding season. Often dive bombs people who apporach nests too closely. Frequently mistaken in the public's eye for the non-aggresive and basically-impossible-to-spot-while-on-the-ground Piping Plover.

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