- Clangula hyemalis
Location: Varberg, Sweden
Formerly known as the Oldsquaw. The common name was changed for motive of political correctness. L 39�47 cm (excl. elongated tail-feathers of 10�15), WS 65�82 cm. Breeds commonly in the Arctic on tundra pools and marshes, also along sea coasts (local in the Baltic) and on still-standing mountain waters. Gregarious. Winters at sea, often in large, dense flocks, mainly off coasts; then restless and active, taking off and flying agilely, low over the water, in short pursuit-flights, constantly changing direction, landing with splash; dives for molluscs and other animal food. Spring migration through Baltic spectacular; main exodus from Gulf of Finland to tundras in NE on late-May evenings with tail-wind, involving over 100,000 birds on peak days. Complex moult produces at least three different-looking plumages annually; most scapulars and feathers of sides of head and neck are moulted three times a year, breast, upper mantle and rest of head and neck twice, and rest of plumage once a year.
Bird Song
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