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Red-throated Caracara - BirdForum Opus

Revision as of 21:36, 4 March 2018 by Deliatodd-18346 (talk | contribs) (Hope repair works)
Ibycter americanus
Photo by megan perkins
Amazonia Lodge, Peru, November 2005


Locality: Amazonia Lodge, Peru.


Red-throated Caracara [Ibycter (Daptrius) americanus]

Range: Central and South America: recorded from southern Veracruz and northern Chiapas south to Panama but there are no recent records from north of Costa Rica. May now be confined to south-west Costa Rica and Panama but rare even there. In South America from Colombia, Venezuela and the Guianas, south to Ecuador, eastern Peru, northern Bolivia and southern Brazil. Resident.

Habitat: Rainforest and forest edge up to 500m, open grassland with scattered trees, secondary-growth woodland, often along rivers.

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