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White-throated Dipper - BirdForum Opus

Revision as of 16:19, 21 December 2010 by Deliatodd-18346 (talk | contribs) (→‎External Links: Video link amended)

Alternative name: Black-bellied Dipper

Photo by Nigel Blake
Cinclus cinclus


17-20 cm

  • Dark above
  • White throat and bib
  • Chestnut band below bib
  • Remainder of underparts are dark brown
  • Black bill
  • Brownish legs
  • Black eye has a nictating membrane

Differences in plumage between the subspecies is annoted in the Taxonomy section[1].

Photo by ivan ellison
River Irwell, Summerseat, Lancashire, October 2009


Fairly common in suitable habitats in a widespread but discontinuous range. Breeds in Ireland and north and west Britain, Spain and north Portugal and from southern and eastern France and Italy to the Balkans and Greece. In the north found in central Denmark and throughout Norway and Sweden, north Finland and the southern half of the Kola Peninsula. Isolated pockets in south Finland and the Baltic States, in parts of north Russia and in the Urals. In the south breeds in the Caucasus and much of Turkey, in the Lebanon and in Morocco and north Algeria and in the Mediterranean on Corsica, possibly Sardinia, and Sicily, formerly also Cyprus. Has bred in the Netherlands.

Most populations are basically resident but many make short-distance dispersal movements in autumn usually to lower altitudes. In the far north where waters become frozen makes longer movements and partially migratory leaving breeding areas in October-November and returning in March.

Vagrants have been recorded on Svalbard and the Faroes and Malta and in Tunisia and Iraq (may breed).



About 10 races have been recorded in the Western Palearctic, one of which, olympicus, the Cyprus Dipper has been extinct since the 1940s.

The nominate race cinclus is found in Scandinavia and north Russia, France and northern Iberia, and Corsica and Sardinia and has dark brown head and neck and blackish belly. It occurs as a rare vagrant to Britain.

Ural Mountains race uralensis is similar but paler with belly tinged chestnut.

British race gularis has strongly chestnut belly but hibernicus from Ireland, Outer Hebrides and western Scotland is darker brown and chestnut of belly darker and less extensive.

C.c.aquaticus from central and southern Europe including Sicily is pale above, especially on head and neck, and brighter chestnut on the belly

North African minor is very similar but with fractionally longer bill.

Caucasian and Turkish race caucasicus is dull and greyish above and dull brown below, barely tinged chestnut.

C.c.persicus is found mainly outside the Western Palearctic in Iran but may occur in Azerbaijan and eastern Turkey. This is the largest and palest race, rufiventris from Lebanon is similar but smaller.

Three additional subspecies are recognised by Clements[1]

  • C. c. leucogaster:
  • Mountains of central Asia
  • C. c. cashmeriensis:
  • C. c.s przewalskii:


Found along fast-flowing streams and rivers in upland areas, nesting in rocky banks or behind waterfalls, on bridges and walls. In winter often moves to lower altitudes where seen at weirs, sometimes in slower moving parts of streams and on lakeshores.



Fast direct flight low over the water. Walks and swims underwater. Perches on low rocks in a river, constantly bobbing.


The diet includes aquatic invertebrates, caddis worms, aquatic insect larvae, beetles, molluscs, and also small fish.


The domed nest is built from moss, straw and other vegetable matter, often placed on a ledge under a bridge, or any suitable crevice. The breeding season starts in March and three to six white eggs are laid. There may be a second brood.


<flashmp3>Cinclus cinclus (song).mp3</flashmp3>
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  1. Clements, JF. 2008. The Clements Checklist of Birds of the World. 6th ed., with updates to December 2008. Ithaca: Cornell Univ. Press. ISBN 978-0801445019.
  2. Absolute Astronomy
  3. Collins Bird Guide ISBN 0 00 219728 6

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